Thursday, June 30, 2011

Crashing. If I don't make it through the night, u will know what happened.
I forgot John Amos is on the Mary Tyler Moore show. Love him on good times.
I enjoyed the saint with Roger Moore on retro tv. It's a great tv show. I have never saw it before. RTV
BRB. I need to powder my ass. Does anyone want to watch?
There's a guy in front of the post office, begging for money. He have a baby w/ him. The other person must be the girlfriend.
Looking for love is a waste of time. Then again, we can have fun trying. Who want to lust me? My bad. Who want to love me?
Good morning. Have a great day

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Good night
loveinthewild where are the gays? That's what I want to know. It will be interesting to see the gays on this show
I'm this close of canceling AOL. I had it for one day. That's good enough. The dial up is too damn slow. I won't miss AOL
For a brief moment, I had AOL. I decided to cancel AOL account for a FREE account. I will use the web at the library.
AOL have never gave me so much trouble until today! AOL really does sucks. I hate @AOL w/ a passion. There's no wonder most people left
I hooked the phone cord to laptop. I got some numbers from AOL. wouldn't u know it? The numbers no longer work! I tried three numbers.
no one is there for me. I have no family. I don't have that many friends. I must go at it alone
This one kid said a mouthful in the fuller brush girl. Too many scientist terms. I wouldn't even try. LOL.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

There's something wrong w/ me. Something seriously wrong. I can't put a finger on it. Please don't fuck w/ me. It's all in my tiny mind
Surprisedly, I love thevoice now. I am really enjoying it. Something different! I hate it in the beginning.
I have nothing against cremated. As long as no one vacuum my ashes, I'm all for it. Then again, u can flush me in the toilet!
Anybody else get frustrated with idea of sending Tweets that might be interesting to some folks and not others? This has me in Tweet-lock.
What kind of medication are they giving u? Angel dust?

Monday, June 27, 2011

Sweet dreams for all lovers. Worst nightmares for all haters. There's no in between. U either love me or hate me. It's up to u.
Sweet dreams
If u really believe I did THOSE things, then u don't know me at all. I'm honest as the next guy. If u cross me, all bets are off!
7 AM. good morning! How is everyone today? Have a great week. Enjoy yourself with love, peace and happiness!
6 AM. good morning! How is everyone today? Have a great week. Enjoy yourself with love, peace and happiness!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

John 3.16, whoever believes in him, shall not perished. It does NOT say gay straight white black. It say WHOEVER! Amen!
I'm ugly. I hate looking in the mirror. I looked that badly. I can't stand my ugly face. Even my body is very gross. I hate myself.
I have the spirit of an alien.
I need to find my own kind.
I must shed off the dreadful human skin.
It is very uncomfortable.
Once u are over the hill, it doesn't matter how far down u go!
The father is seeking revenge for the death of his son. Now, he want his grandson too. Oh, brother!
Tomorrow is one week w/o the Internet at my apartment. I haven't start climbing walls or scratch someone's eyes. I didn't kill me yet. LOL
Back in the day, I watch the cartoons every morning and afternoon.
Nowadays, there is no cartoons.
I missed those days.
TV Land went a different direction from a classic TV channel.
Antenna TV, me tv, Retro provided classic tv for the viewers.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sorry, guys. Svengoolie is NOT that funny. They better get rid of him. He is THAT boring to watch. I always change the channel.
Let go of the hate from the past to move forward in the present for a awesome future. The hate is holding u back to be happy.
I know u like him a lot. I'm sick for what I did. It just happened. It's one of those things. I cherished our friendship so much. Forgive me
If she was dead, she will drop the bottle
This is the longest time for two. Gross! I hoped it stop soon.
Ask a true friend how your ass smells before u fart on the date. If it smell rosy, it's a go for the SEX date. Dating101
I'm not that creative. I need to rob someone. Hopefully, it will be funny enough that some people will laugh. Here goes nothing.
Look u ugly person. If u take off your clothes, that's criminal. No one WANT to see your nude body.
U r too old and too ugly to have a baby
Since the Internet closed down some book/music/video stores, there won't be any nationwide stores, only local stores.
I have NEVER say I'm against gay marriage. Some people should NOT get married. Namely, Mike & me. His drinking IS out of control. No thanx!
Watching a old Bob Hope & Lucille Ball movie, Sorrowful Jones, on this tv. First time watching.
Did u take stupid pills this morning?
If someone attacks us, we can blink them to death
U are u sad little man. I pity u.
U backstabbing murderer
He tortures toys. Just for fun.
That ain't flying. It's falling with style.
The phone service on the iPhone sucks in my apartment. It continues dropping. Damn! No phone calls. No web. No twitter.
I have thousands of needles in my left foot. I hate when that happens.

Friday, June 24, 2011

I can wake up in the morning that gay marriage in NYC is NOT a dream. It's a reality! Equality GayMarriage NY4M NYer NOH8 LGBT
some people should NOT get marry at all. It does NOT feel right. No love whatsoever! Equality GayMarriage NY4M NOH8 LGBT 2133044168
Friendship grows in time, but it take one thing to fuck it up very badly. Don't let anything to get in the way.
I had a embarrassing moment. Someone caught me washing myself in public restroom. I couldn't look at him. Thank goodness he quickly exit.
Finished off my salad from last night
I spent too much money on the computers since the late 1990's. I must have brought over 7 computers. I could have went on a trip!
I can't afford to buy new friends. I must raise a million. Then, I could get u anything u want as long the friendship is good enough.
Have u notice? I can't play any Facebook games like frontierville. I don't have the Internet at home. I must use the library for the web
I don't think I will make it. With AIDS, forget it. With no friends, I won't survive alone. Without Mike, I may have a better chance

Thursday, June 23, 2011

U can find aqua under the sand! I never knew that! Dear lies! Why so many lies?
The hiccups won't stop
I'm not good at making new friends. Some day, I will die alone. It's hard to get new friends. I don't want to be lonely without any friends
The gay storyline starts today on days of our lives. Sonny and Will. It's going to be interesting. It's days of our lives's first gay story!
Enjoying life as one should be.
I'm going on a trip. I'm going on a trip. I'm going on a FALLING trip. Ouch! I hurt myself.
Good morning! How is everyone today?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

agt the sword swallower lady is cold, cold, DEAD cold. Oh, brother! I'm with @howiemmandel. SMILE!
I wished all TV stations will fix the damn LOUD problems. The commercials are very loud and the TV show is low. Please fix it now!
No mail today. No one loves me any more. I think I just became the most hateful negative person in the world. It sucks to be.
I'm going on with my life like nothing happened
❒ Single ❒ Taken ✔ Drunk
The best thing for the ending of the daytime soaps, All My Children & One Life To Live is seeing old characters returning one last time.
Cut off the hair and beard for the summer. I love my short hair. I can feel the cold breeze on my head.
Thinking of cutting my hair and the long ass beard.
Damn. The phone didn't charge overnight. It wasn't plug in. I thought it was. Even the battery is NOT charge. Damn! Double damn!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 1 without the Internet. I didn't suffer that much. Oh, how much I want to die. It really kills me. I can't live without u. U r my life!
I may be in the hospital soon. I don't feel that great. I'm burning up. Yes, the fan is on. I may have an infection
Today is first day of summer. Also, the first day without the Internet. I cancelled it yesterday. It's a new adventure for me.
U steal from me. U lied to me. U cheated on me. U took 10 years of my life. All I ever did was love u. I guessed love is NOT good enough.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Going to bed. Oops, I lied. I'm already in bed. Okay? Let me rephase it. Going to sleep. That sounds about right. Good night
June 20, 2011, Monday is the day I canceled the AT&T Internet. This is a reminder for me. I'm forgetful in my young age!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011

posted a photo
All day long, I'm having Internet problems. It have been cutting off throughout the day. I tried to find the AT&T CD. no luck whatsoever

Monday, June 13, 2011

Going to the bank to cash a check. I have the same check for a while. I'm that way. I should have done that the next day. Nope! I'm lazy!

Friday, June 3, 2011

In order to get more followers on twitter & more friends on Facebook, I'm going to start "fictional" lies of any stars, starting w/ me!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Laying in bed w/ no clothes on. I'm going to crash soon. I'm tired & sleepy. Hopefully, I will have a fabulous wet dream or a nightmare!