Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

My body does NOT feel that great. I'm getting extremely sick again. I may end up in the hospital for a much longer stay. Perhaps, a week

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The nerve of some straight married people. If they do NOT take marriage serious, why get married? Yet, the gay people can NOT get married!
I'm getting tired so early in the day. Soon, i need a wheelchair to take me places. Driving wreckless till i get the hang of the wheelchair.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

We need to invite friends to finish a quest. This is what I say. "If u don't play frontierville, I'm sorry. It's a part of a quest."
Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good night! Did I miss anyone? I did all parts of the day AND night. Have fun, like always

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Granny is trying to break the world record for watching lots of channels in one hour. Pat is always clicking away with the remote control!
I planted some crops on frontierville. The not so famous "blasted internet" showed up. I refreshed the page. I must start all over again!
my crops will be DEAD on frontierville soon. I'm getting "Blasted Internet just went all quiet on me. Let's try us a bit of a refresh."
Thanx to @twitter, At least, I know I'm NOT the only one that @facebook is down. I thought it was me and me again. Only me. LOL

Monday, May 9, 2011

I won't play farmville any more. I don't find that game interesting and fun. I feel like Frontierville is a better game.
I think I start my own star driven web site. Being a bully to the stars can be my bread and butter. It pays to be a high profile bully. LOL

Sunday, May 8, 2011

I'm not a big fan of the harlem globetrotters, but I hoped the black guys win the amazing race. They are entertaining and fun to watch
sometimes, the quick post on frontierville will NOT show up fast. Zynga need to rename it to "Not So Quick" post. That sounds right!
What game u play the most - Frontierville or Farmville? I like Frontierville the best. Farmville is too damn boring for me.
Crazy thoughts! Crazy thoughts! Crazy thoughts! Crazy thoughts! Crazy thoughts! Crazy thoughts! Crazy thoughts! Crazy thoughts!
I washed my hands in the wrong restroom. I dried my hands. A lady walked out of the toilet. I saw the sign on the door & ran away. LOL

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Another thing thou. the damn Frontierville keep on crashing on me. Hello! Please fix the problem, Zynga! I hate reload the game all the time
is there a way to "Accept All" at one time for the game requests on @facebook page?? one by one is tiresome and boring.
I had something funny to say. The damn iPhone died on me. Now, I don't remember what I said. Damn! Double damn! Triple damn!
Beautiful cold day in Hollywood. Love this kind of weather. Not too cold. Not too hot. Just right. Too bad it can't be like this every day
someone mentioned I'm taking it well. Am I? Am I really? It hurts very much. I don't show it, only in private. The pain! The pain!
Good night. Sweet dreams. In your case, wet dreams! Have a fabulous weekend. Keep reaching for the stars and go after your dreams

Friday, May 6, 2011

I got soap opera digest, entertainment weekly and tv guide all at once in the mail today. It hardly happen that way. LOL
On the phone with AT&T. I'm trying to get a new $500 refund check. The last one expired. I didn't cash it on time.
I have so many men. It's easy to lose track of them. Sometimes, I don't know what the men want. At least, I'm not a slut. Or am I?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Going to Apple at The Grove to get a new $500 refund check. I didn't cash it on time. It was good for 180 days.
I want to show my death LIVE on the web. It's gonna to be one hell of a death. Maybe, I need a sponsor to pay the funeral.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

When I fall down on the cart, it was at the fire department. I was at the right place. Sadly, the firemen was NOT around to help me. Damn!
I wished the laundry will be done soon. I'm so freaking bored. Maybe, I have to hurt myself. Any suggestions that's dangerous? LOL
Since I'm washing clothes at Lucy's, I drank so many soft drinks. I'm on my fourth or fifth. I'm about to burst soon. LOL
I'm in lots of pain. My legs hurts so much. I pushed the cart. It tipped over. I landed on the cart. I was bleeding too.
Getting aqua in the most extremely hot burning sun at El Rancho Market in echo park near sunset and Alvarado.
someone dumped some dogs by the highway. the dogs ran across the highway. some cars hit the dogs. some people saved the dogs.
Good night. Sweet dreams. Have a great day.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Another BORING car chase. It's too bad he's not a escape convict. That will be more exciting. We can see a deadly manhunt on LIVE TV.
when someone is on the deathbed, u have NOTHING to look forward to, except death itself. Let them die. Just let them die.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Frontierville fans. I love that frontierville have quick post. No more time consuming.
I knew I will die from AIDS some day. I would rather make peace w/ my life & look forward to death, instead of taking the medication.
I was being honest with my feelings. Someone unfriend me on @facebook for the Osama bin Laden comment. I will NOT stop being honest!
I'm having problems with frontierville. I'm not getting grass, rocks or trees on my land this past week. None are growing. What is wrong?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I don't give a damn about the news of Osama bin Laden. I really don't care. I'm more interest in The Amazing Race. Bring the race. LOL
I will NOT take medications for AIDS. I will let it to kill me. I will NOT take medications for AIDS. I will let it to kill me.