Saturday, April 30, 2011

Good night
Hate shopping with grandma pat. She is taking her sweet ass time. I wished I stay home. I hate the freaking bitch.
Heading to the bank on the bus. We may go to target too.
Waiting for the bus in the extremely hot sun. It's a beautiful day in Los Angeles. I'm doing errands like the post office, the bank & gas

Friday, April 29, 2011

Long time ago, I promised myself something. Whenever I get the deadly disease, I won't take any medications. Just let me die. Let me die
I have a bad feeling that my insurance will not cover the medications. She asked for another insurance that I don't have. Oh well!
First needle didn't work. No blood come out. The other arm is a success.
Going to the doctor's appointment in Hollywood, where my desire for fame erupts to parts unknown whether the dreams lives or dies
Shower time. I will NOT innocence drop the soap. I will do it on purpose.
Good night. The royal wedding will be all over the news tomorrow and the web. I won't miss a thing. I bet I could watch it on the web

Thursday, April 28, 2011

If i didn't have the doctor's appointment. i will stay up all night long watching the royal wedding. i need to be well rested for the doctor
i may not watch the royal wedding at 1 am. it's too late for me. besides, i have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. I don't want to be tired.
Whenever I accept friends on facebook, I will try to send neighbor invites from all the games I play. Frontierville is the main game.
Frontierville kept on crashing on me. Damn! Zynga better fix the problem soon. Some people may stop playing the game altogether.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Is frontierville too damn slow? It is loading very slowly for me all day long.
I do NOT know. I do NOT care. I do NOT give a damn. Shut up. Please shut up!
There's something wrong with Frontierville. I can NOT harvest OR move a crop. It is stuck. I reload the game. I got the same problem.
There's something wrong with Frontierville. I can NOT harvest OR move a crop. It is stuck. I reload the game. I got the same problem.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

today's announcement is brought to you by "w" and "t" and "f
The lady in front of me have lots of cash. I'm tempted to follow her off the bus & rob her blind. It will be a great way to end the evening.
Waiting for another bus. The other bus is packed. At least, we are waiting in the shade.
Freezing my ass off at smart & final. The store is very cold
Damn! Cityville is still giving me problems. "Sorry, we can't save YOUR game, please reload AND start all over again." This is the 3rd time!

Monday, April 25, 2011

woke up from a nap. just in time for DWTS Dancing With The Stars. I can't wait for tonight. I heart Kirstie Alley was awesome!
God damn it! My heads hurts. I shouldn't drink it so fast. I better lay down for a while before I pass out on the dirt. I'm freezing!
Walking to the post office, near by my single apartment in echo park, where I had many sexual adventures with many men in my wildest dreams
Good night. Worst nightmares, only if u are a hater.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Good night. I can't get my eyes to remain open. I'm that sleepy. Sweet dreams.
I wouldn't mind of being in a coma. That's where I be for the next ten years. I need all the rest I can get. Then, woke up to another world!
What a life! What a boring life! What a extremely boring life! What a ultra extremely boring life! Dear lord! Life can't be that boring!
@oprah must be pist at Hawaii Five-O. A guy was talking on the phone AND driving. The guy is a cop too. Yes, I mean Danny "Danno" Williams!
shower time. hopefully, i could go out today for the mail at the post office and get some groceries. Or stay home and do nothing.
i think i will be red face. no one will notice I'm bleeding tears from my eyes. i can't stop the tears. the life as i know it is wash away
Good night. Have a great weekend.

Friday, April 22, 2011

I will sing as blackface. Then again, I can't carry a note. I can't do makeup either. Oh well. There goes my showbiz career!
I will sing as blackface. Then again, I can't carry a note. I'm not good at makeup either. Oh well. There goes my showbiz career.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I had a awesome time with yours truly. I tried out iphone 4 at apple. Love it. By the time my contract is up, iphone 5 will be out. Oh well.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

FUCK facebook! They blocked me for two days. I sent some friends requests. The damn facebook blocked me. What The Fuck!
Good night. Sweet dreams. In your case, wet dreams. Hopefully, u have a extra towel with u. If not, I will NOT clean up your mess. LOL

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Going to bed so late at 4:30 am. Last night, I went to bed at 4 am. I can't go on any more. I'm sleep deprived. Help me!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

I paid $72 to renew my post office box. (@ US Post Office- West Hollywood)
I felt like I forgot something. It can't be my brain. It must be my mind. I'm going out of my mind. I'm not that crazy yet!

Friday, April 15, 2011

I forgot to tell u. The post office will charge more money for the PO Boxes, starting on April 17. I must renew my box this month.
Soaps are dying. Passions in 2008. Guiding Light in 2009. As The World Turns in 2010. All My Children in 2011. One Life To Live in 2012.
Going home on the bus. I didn't find what I'm looking for at target, but I got some movies & tv shows. I'm quite happy.
They are almost here. They are at the next apartment. Then, it's my turn. Pretty soon, I can leave for target and the bank.
It's that time of the year. They are checking the apartments. They do it every year. Yesterday, we cleaned the whole apartment

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The best way to save the soaps. Make all soaps 30 minutes like EastEnders and Bold & Beautiful. Okay, AMC OLTL?
I want to be a cop. I can ARREST anyone who did me wrong. First, I must set them up for a fall. Second, revenge is sweet!
Long time ago, I mentioned the remaining soaps should go back being 30 minutes. Instead, they are cancelling the one hour soaps! AMC OLTL
ABC cancelled All MY Children & One Life To Live. I'm not that surprised. I thought one will go, but not two. A shocker!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I'm taking a beating. I'm getting weaker by the moment. I don't think I will make it any time soon. Life is slowly slipping away

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Queen is my name. Sadly, facebook will NOT accept my name. Facebook force me to use a different name. Long live the queen! LOL

Monday, April 11, 2011

I don't like product placements in the tv shows. It distracts from the story.
While investigate a murder, let's eat a big Mac. Sure thing!
A friend see me as a hateful guy! I did NOTHING wrong to them.They thought badly of me! What kind of friend does that make u?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules is a funny movie. U better see it or I will get Rodrick to throw dirty smelly diapers on your head!
I'm still waiting for pete & Brian. Where the duck are u? I'm getting bored again. Please come now. Take me to the movies. Damn if!
Happy birthday to u. Happy birthday to u. Happy birthday, dear Peter. Happy birthday to u.
If people thinks the worst of me, let them to believe that. They can believe anything they want. I won't waste my time with them at all!
Homicidal! Homicidal! Oh, how much I want to become someone else to make it happen. Blond wig, makeup, dress, knife & a gun

Saturday, April 9, 2011

I missed killing people. It's pretty awesome. I want to start killing people again. I love the thrill of the kill. See people died!
Where does it say everyone citizen MUST vote? I don't see it anywhere. As long the citizens PAY the taxes, we can complain about anything.
Someone said I can't complain because I did NOT vote. Wanna bet? The last time i checked, I am a citizen. Therefore, I will complain!
I am sick of you. Your drinking is out of hand. Please go to rehab.
I hate people when they ask for money. I'm not their personal piggy bank. For crying out loud, i'm the pussy. I don't give out change.
Carl Winslow is the worst father AND the worst police officer ever, He never look for his missing daughter, Judy, on Family Matters!
Good morning. How is everyone this morning, this afternoon, this midday, this evening, this night and soon to be tomorrow in your area?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Damn! I forgot to do "action of the day" today. FUCK!
Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored.
Help! Please help me! Frontierville is not showing up in my feed on @facebook! I can NOT get any posts. Pretty please! Help me!
Please. Pretty please. Send some painkillers on @facebook. I really need some. I'm addicted to painkillers. Thanx!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

eating a semi dry orange. not a good thing. it's that bad. Yet, I'm still eating the dry orange. damn! damn me to hell!
Pat has lots of nerves! She is demanding some rent money. I did NOT agree to pay rent. The deal is I will save money & move out!
I'm still doing the action of the day. Fart! I haven't stop playing. I have been farting all day long. U must smell it!
i had honeycombs for breakfast. i finished it too! I mean, the whole box. Not the whole box, just the cereal. Pretty confusing!
There is word of the day. Song of the day. Let's do something different. Let's do "action of the day." Okay? Action of the day. FART!
Sometimes, I wouldn't tweet unless it's something funny or hateful. That gave me a funny thought. What about hateful funny? LOL
Someone called me a damn bitch. Bitch all u like. Bitching is fun. Being a bitch is much better. I'm going to bitch slap u!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Homicidal. I'm feeling homicidal! Yes, homicidal. I'm feeling homicidal after watching a crazy blonde killer. the movie sparks my interest.
for the first time on yoville, i am really flat broke. Seriously, flat broke. Man, I need to work overtime. LOL
Some guy snuck on the bus. Sadly, he was caught. The bus driver ordered him to come and pay. Of course, he did. I never did that!
Just left yoshinoya. For some reason, I called it yokuzuna. Oops. Waiting at the bus stop. Not any more. Bus 4 is here.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I have a dream. There is something I always want to do. I hoped it will come true some day. Dreams can be MURDER!
First time at Cafe Tropical. I'm having a huge chocolate cookie. Drinking mango & pineapple fruit shake. I really…
I used to be on top of things. Now, I put things off until the last minute. I'm not the well organize any more. There goes my life!
Clark Kent must have MAGIC glasses. Once he take them off, no one recognize him. "Who the hell are u?" "I'm Superman. No, Clark!"
How can someone NOT tell that Clark Kent & Superman is the same person? That boggles my mind forever! Hello! They have the same face!
How can someone NOT tell that Clark Kent & Superman is the same person? That boggles my mnd forever! Hello! They have the same face!

Monday, April 4, 2011

@KTLA is doing sports. A girl picking HER nose behind this guy at a basketball game. I don't think no one notice the girl at all. LOL
i love love love this song! It's a "beautiful life" after all!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Grandma is very stupid. I mentioned I want some iced tea. She was kind enough to give me some, but she forgot the ice. What a stupid bitch!
Grandma is so... What the word am I looking for? Could it be that she is a hateful bitch w/ no life of her own? That sums up her life!
Grandma is so... What the word am I looking for? Could it be that she is a hateful birch with no life of her own? That sums up her life!
It's getting extremely late. I might as well go to bed. I'm that sleepy. I can't keep my eyes open. I need my beauty sleep

Saturday, April 2, 2011

I have something stuck between my teeth. I can't get it out. I have no toothpick to take it out. It's driving me crazy!
I can't stand being in the same room w/ gma! She is giving me the evil look. Why can't gma die right now? I wont have to put up w/ the hate!

Friday, April 1, 2011

I hate my grandma. I fucking hate her. I hoped she will die soon. Please die, bitch! She is forcing her hateful Christian beliefs on me.
Shower time. Does anyone care to join me? Don't worry. U could trust me this one time only. I won't even drop the soap on purpose!
what a boring day! the most boring day ever. boring morning. boring afternoon. Hopefully, the evening is FUN FUN FUN!
I felt like today is Saturday. I wished it was! the weekend ALWAYS start on a Friday for me. Party on!