Monday, February 28, 2011

I think I'm getting sick again. Please no pneumonia & no hospital. I don't want another hospital visit so soon. Once is enough!
There are some stars I'm looking forward to on DWTS. Chris Jericho, Kirstie Alley, Ralph Macchio, Wendy Williams. I hoped they will go far.
Do u know what's funny? I already found out the new cast of dancing with the stars before the bachelor airs on the west coast. Love the web!
i haven't watch the Bachelor this season. Tonight, I am! Dancing With The Stars will reveal the new stars for season 12, starting March 21.
30 minutes ago, mike said he's coming over. The bus arrived as we talked. Hello! He should be here by now. (He's here now. Oops! LOL)
I decided to buy more chicken legs at the market. Mile will be surprised! This time, I may buy four packages of chicken legs.
Taking a short bus ride. I haven't use TAP in two weeks. She mentioned it's best to use it now for March pass to go in effect. Confusing!
I'm still on the MTA autoload. The problem is I paid twice for February. I'm good for March. I don't have to pay another $14.
I called MTA. Their damn computer hung up on me. Damn! That's sucks! Why can't a LIVE person pick up instead? I called MTA again.
I got to call MTA about the autoload. Today is the last day of February. I don't have a bus pass for March; MTA did NOT took out $14.
Last month, I got the autoload for my MTA tap card. I don't think they took out $14 for next month. That's strange.
Mike almost left without bus fare. He thought he had $6 for the day pass. He had $2 to his name. Oops! I gave him some money for the bus.
good morning. have a great day. good afternoon. have a tasty lunch. good evening. have a awesome time. good night. sweet dreams. good bye.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

OMG! All this Oscars talk! My @twitter timeline is fast. Please make it stop. I'm getting tweets whiplash!
I don't think I watch the Oscars until I change my name to Oscar. Then, I would become the most popular Oscar weiner in history!
Everyone is talking about the Oscars. Damn! I wished I was named Oscar. Everyone will talk about me. I love getting attention.
washing the whites. Someone forgot their clothes from a dryer. Damn! We can't use both dryers. I should put their clothes out from the dryer
Long time ago, I hold a real life Oscar. Sadly, I didn't win. Those Oscars are very heavy. I almost broke my fingernail. My nails! My nails!
Do u know what's funny about me? I'm very private in real life. I'm completely the opposite on the web; I talked everything about me.
Goof morning! Let's all be a goof today and goof around! There's no goof like the present. May the goof be with u. Goof or no goof. Goof!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Tears are about to fall from my crying eyes. "Close To You" by The Carpenters always get to me. It's one of the best romantic songs ever!
Enjoying my night with mike. Listening to Mariah Carey. Then, The Carpenters. Awesome songs! Great ending to a perfect night.
I wondered why no grocery stores sell honey mustard dressing. I luv that stuff as much i luv french dressing. I want honey mustard dressing!
I won't come out of the closet. Oops! I mean from under the blankets until I stop freezing to my death, where I'm going to parts unknown.
We walked to the market from the library. We brought some groceries. We walked home. I carried thee packages of chicken legs. I'm so tired!
I found myself wanting to commit suicide. The library is THAT boring. The longer I stay, I have a thirst for human blood. Bloody thirsty!
Going to the library to check out a book about religion. Mike need to write a report about religion for the school.
we always need to laugh about something no matter how bad things get. I will laugh right beside u! someone, please make me die laughing!
March 2011 is going to be a great month! Entertainment Weekly, TV Guide & Soap Opera Digest is coming in the mail soon! I can't wait!
I checked the TV listings. It wasn't a movie. As much I love The Outer Limits, it's the worst episode ever! It's the original Outer Limits.
OMG! The alien killed that alien with a gun! The other alien ran out the UFO for his dear life. The alien is after him too. Worst Movie Ever
watching a stupid movie. Thank God the TV is muted. I'm glad I don't know the name of the movie either. An alien turned on another alien!
Good morning! I woke up about 4 am. Damn! That's too early for me. I can't go back to sleep at all. Once I'm awake, I'm wide awake!

Friday, February 25, 2011

I played Angry Birds Seasons. I finished the valentine game. It was quite hard. I think the new game is Easter. The pigs will love that!
Mike overcooked the steak. Oops! It's very dry. I used barbecue sauce on the steak. It's better than nothing! He wanted it to be perfect.
I'm very open about my feelings. It's good to express my feelings about anything whether people does like it or not.
It's still raining! Damn! There goes my tonight's plans. I hoped I could go clubbing & meet guys. Oh well. Another night for movies at home!
Do u mind putting the death stick out? Please! Pretty please! I'm begging u! WTF! I don't have to beg for my precious life! Stop killing me!
I finally fixed the desk lamp. I can't believed the light bulb went out too soon. I put it in few months ago. I hoped the new bulb will last
I ordered Soap Opera Digest for $14.95 for one year. It was $24.95. I used a promotional code. I haven't read that…
I ordered Soap Opera Digest for $14.94 for one year. It was $24.95. I used a promotional code. I haven't read that magazine in a few years.
Mike called me. He's getting wet. He have no umbrella. I forgot it's raining today. I hardly keep up with the weather & the news.
Since I found out I have AIDS in January 2011, I haven't went back to the HIV doctor. I should be on top of things with my deadly situation!
i'm happy to be alive today. Living is one of the greatest gifts ever. we may not see tomorrow. we could go anytime. just live for today!
i want to use my friend's netflix account. he get them in the mail, BUT i can watch the movies online. that is a great deal! LOL
Good morning. How is everyone this morning, this afternoon, this midday, this evening, this night and soon to be tomorrow in your area?? LOL

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I thought long & hard. I decided I won't tell Mike about new lover, Sam. There's no point at all. What he doesn't know, won't hurt him.
some guy from AOL want me to come over for sex. No thanx. I'm at my friend's house. We're going to eat soon. I'm starved. I want to eat now!
Mike think he can do better than me. What a laugh! He must go back to bed and wake up again. He's living in a fantasy world! Wake up, Mike!
Hard work for nothing. If u expect something, move your ass and do it yourself! Then, the rewards will come your way no matter what!
Some people feel like I shouldn't talk about my problems on the web. I have freedom of speech. I will NOT stop talking & express myself
I don't have to do anything great in this world. I need to be myself. Things will fall into it's place. I won't even have to lift a finger.
I made the lemonade too strong. Oh, man! too damn strong! Now, I have a bitter mouth. Watch me cuss up a storm! Here I go. Cussing! LOL
The next time, Santa Claus break an entrance at my place. I will do "citizen arrest." He need to be stop. Sorry, kids, no more toys! LOL
I'm surprised that Santa Claus wasn't arrested for breaking an entrance all those years. He's a criminal that got away. Shame on him!
Do u know why I didn't believe in Santa Clause as a lad? There was no chimney at the house. Listen, kids. Santa is a big fraud! Oops. LOL

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

good night. I have to sleep. I didn't get that much sleep last night. I went to bed at 5:30 AM this morning. I'm very tired and sleepy!
I have NEVER tell mom this before. A drunk driver almost kill me on her birthday long time ago. The driver hit someone else moments later!
all religions contradict each other with their OWN beliefs. No thanx. Religion is NOT worth it. God is! Put your faith in God, not religion!
February 23 is my Mom's birthday. "Happy Birthday, mom!" I haven't see her since 1999. Sadly, I lost contact with the whole family!
Do u know how much religions sucks? They are either for or against homosexuality, abortion, premarital sex, divorce & more. What gives, God?
There are three things I won't talk about. Politics, homosexuality & religion. Those three are nothing but trouble. Let's the fighting begin
Gonna to take a shower now. I stink really really badly. U don't want to know how bad! I can set off a bomb. It won't be that pretty. LOL
If we can't be honest with ourselves, we can't be honest with anyone. I would rather to tell the truth, than lie about my past.
5:30 AM. Mike need to wake up in hour for school. On that note, I will try to get some shut eye. I haven't went to bed all night. Good night
I accidentally woke mike up. Oops. I guessed I was typing on the keyboard very loudly. Excuse me, Mike! Then, stop snoring loudly. Okay? LOL
"How did u got HIV?" someone asked. "I shoot up heroin long time ago," I said. Sharing needles is dangerous. We need to learn the hard way!
4 AM. I may not go back to sleep. The night is almost over. I will sleep in the morning or the afternoon. Some life I have! Take me away!
I can't go back to sleep. The pain haven't went away yet. It have been over an hour so far. I took two advil. Please do your job, advil!
I'm in pain. I took some gas x for the stomach. sadly, the pain is still there. i hoped it won't get worst. Pain, go away. I need my sleep!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I was yesterday. I am today. I will be tomorrow, only if I live to see the future. It all depends on what happens next for me. Who knows?
this is the only life we ever get. death is what it is. the finale resting place for our bodies to go back where it cometh from - the DIRT!
What are you doing? That is a good question. I am speaking my mind no matter what it is about. After all, everyone have freedom of speech!
"An artist should have a WIDE RANGE OF EMOTIONS, that is what i love about art" - Sammy. I really live by this awesome quote.
twitter is much better than the regular IM. we don't care who knows OUR business. If u want to talk in private, use AIM or yahoo.
The eyes are the window to the soul
having freshly removed brain from a recently killed disease infected monkey for sickening supper. It's so Indiana Jones of me. LOL
We did awesome at Vons with the groceries. We saved $42.37. We spent $89.04. Without the card, it was $131. Never shop without the card!
some peeps does NOT want to deal with THEIR problems. I will rather to be upfront about it & don't pretend it does not exist!
I was homeless so many damn times. I haven't been HOMELESS for a long time. I must be doing something right!
Medicare want me to pay $220. I'm curious how much my hospital bill from superbowl weekend is. I bet medicare want me to pay a big chunk!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Photography is an art form. I was posing as a heroin drunk. They mistook it for a REAL thing. Sadly, I'm being banned for my artist talent.
I ordered TV Guide for $14 from the TV Guide web site. 56 issues for one year. It's a awesome deal. I couldn't pass up the good deal.
I'm so clumsy. I was trying to put down the TV controls on the table. I accidentally knocked down a cup of water. It went everywhere! LOL
I can't get over that Medicare denied me for "routine exam." They got it wrong! It was for HIV & STDs in January. Yet, I have to pay $220.
Some people does NOT believe I have to pay $220 for a doctor bill. Why? Medicare denied the lab work. I'm going to post a pic for proof!
Shower time. Then, wash the laundry in the afternoon. Before that, eat some breakfast right after I take my shower right now. Got that? LOL
If u forget about something, it must be NOT that important. If it's that important, u remember. Why fret over what u forget?
I'm getting too damn absent minded. The moment I thought of something, I forgot it couple seconds later. A mind is a terrible thing to waste
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening or good night, depending on where u live. I got my bases covered. I didn't forget anyone. LOL

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Today is the last day for the medication. I'm glad it's over. Thanx to my friends, they encouraged me NOT to stop. I couldn't do it w/o them
I was peeing in the restroom. I became dizzy. I almost passed out on the floor. The funny part - I was NOT done peeing. Oops!
Anything can happen on the amazing race. Guy had a heart attack on the 1st plane. The 2nd plane passed them up & arrived in Australia first!
In England, a cigarette is referred to as a fag. Hey! I want a fag! Please! So badly, i want to blow a fag. I haven't had one in a long time
Don't forget. The 18th season of The Amazing Race starts tonight on CBS. I'm so happy the cowboys are back! Even the mom & the deaf kid too.
The apes finally arrived 32 minutes into the movie. 32 minutes. I don't need 32 minutes to make my grand entrance. All eyes will be on me!
"I got to tell like it is or I can't tell it all," Roger Thomas from What's Happening! Ain't that the truth! Always be true to yourself!
I was about to have leftover pizza for breakfast. Mike already ate the rest. He left the empty box in the icebox. How dare he! LOL
Medicare DENIED the lab tests.
Now, I have to pay $220.
I don't have that kind of money.
No one told me that…
I hoped I connected everything. Sending out this post to everywhere, somewhere and nowhere.
Mike mentioned he is DEAD. That's fine. I won't kiss him to bring him back from the dead. I won't have to deal with u know what. LOL
I think tomorrow will be another wet one. Oh, man! There goes my sex life! On that note, good night. Sweet dreams

Saturday, February 19, 2011

"Are you calling me FAT again?" "No. You have ALWAYS been fat!"
Mike want to watch the show w/ the fat lady, the skinny guy & the smart ass daughter. Huh? Oh, yeah! Hey! Hey! Hey! What's Happening!!! LOL
I ordered two medium pizzas. Mike & I almost ate both pizzas. We were that hungry! We had pineapple & ham AND italian sausage & mushroom.
For some reason, @pixelpipe is giving me problems. It's not sending my posts to everywhere via @pingfm. i hooked it correctly. I HATE IT!
getting pizza for supper. the chicken legs isn't ready; it's still frozen! we will have the DEAD chicken tomorrow for supper. EIW! Dead! LOL
This is only a test. Only a test!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I took my medications few minutes ago. I might as well hang in there until I finish them.
Good morning. I slept good last night. It's one of best night I had in a long time. I thought I would get up lots of times during the night.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I was under the blankets over two hours. Sadly, I'm still too cold. I may stop taking my medications. I think it's NOT making me any better.
I was cooking in the boiler on the stove. The fire alarm went off! I checked the oven. There was pans in the oven. Oops. I took them out.
I signed up for California Lifeline Telephone Program again. My phone bill will be LOW for another year. I do this every year to save money!
Three hours tour! It's bad that mike didn't end up being lost at sea. Damn! I will take Gilligan over mike any time! Please get lost, Mike!
Mike is finally home. I mentioned it doesn't take over three hours to come back from the post office. His excuse was traffic. Yeah, right!
It's a good thing I didn't get the slurpee at 7/11. When I got home, I'm freezing my ass. I'm under the blankets on the bed. Too damn cold!
I'm going home. Then again, I'm tempted to get a slurpee at 7/11. A great way to cool off. Should I or shouldn't I? Why not? I love them.
I don't feel that good. I'm going straight home & mike will pick up my mail at the post office. I need something to eat. I have no breakfast
Damn! It cost $70 to do Mike's taxes. The things I do for my friends. LOL
Life is quite different when u have a deadly disease. The disease will change one's life drastically for the better or the worst. LIVE LIFE!
I'm not used to taking lots of medications every day.
I only have one medication to take; I finished the rest.
Now, I take 3 pills a day.
Since I got out of the hospital, I'm taking good care of myself. I eat a lot, sleeping, drink water & taking my medications every day.
I felt like I'm going to relapse soon. I'm doing too much drugs. Hopefully, I will stop soon. I don't want to stay at the hospital again.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day & good night! I'm off to sexual fun w/ someone I loved. Not really! We are both sick from…
Wasn't the dead desperate housewives on Seinfeld? Eliane & her were bidding for some golf clubs. I thought I recognize her from somewhere.
The Facebook games I'm playing. Yoville, farmville, treasure madness, frontierville, treasure isle & cityville. Please add me for a neighbor
Mafia Wars Question - How do i sign out of mafia wars on the iPhone? I want to sign off to start a new game w/ a different facebook account.
Mike & I aren't doing anything for valentine's day. He's still having problems w/ his hurt right leg. I'm still recovering slowly. Oh well!
I can't watch Roseanne & Oprah today. The channel is messed up. I think I fixed it! Please! Let me watch @oprah! I don't want to miss it!
eating leftovers rice for a late lunch. Yes, I used SUGAR on my rice. I hate eating it plain.
Drinking iced tea
going to lay down for a while. I'm not feeling it. Soon, I have to take my medications soon. I need to drink cold water.
using the inhaler again. I haven't use it in a few days. I'm running out of breath again. I need to use it every day to clear my lungs.
Thinking of playing the facebook games again. It's quite boring w/ nothing to do. I need something to do. Playing the games is a good start.
Mike is watching Spanish TV w/ the headphones. Thank goodness! I don't know what they are talking about. I only know English. I need AQUA!
the cupcakes taste so damn old. Yet, I continued to eat them. Someone, please take me away. Please! I'm begging u on my knees. Pretty please
I opened the cupcakes fast. I accidentally drop them on the ground! That's my breakfast. I took a bite. Mike mentioned throw them away. Oops
Life is pretty funny when u wrote about some things even before it happen! I predicted 2011 is MY worst year ever. Who knew? Just live life!
Laying in bed. I need some breakfast or drink the last Ensure. The medication is getting to me. Please don't throw up. No way! No how!
Heading back to bed. Perhaps, watching some TV or play the games on the iphone until I fall asleep. I already took my medications at 8 am.
I don't feel that great. I better lay down. I hoped I won't end up in the hospital again. The hospital is the LAST place I want to be. LOL
Good morning! How's everyone on this great day/night? I may get more sleep. I'm still tired.