Sunday, July 24, 2011

I may not use this account that much longer. I want to start over for the Internet. New beginnings. I came across a old friend on Facebook.
Lucy did it. She knocked out John Wayne with a alcohol bottle. Damn! Lucy need to control herself. She is dangerous
John Wayne is on The Lucy Show. Go and get him, Lucy! Ride that cowboy. Hee haw! Whatever u do, do NOT shoot him.
Lucy Ball looks like Bette Davis with Paul Winchell on The Lucy Show. Lucy is a world class dummy! What a dummy! LOL
What a completely surprise! Gomer Pyle showed up on The Lucy Show as her replacement in the army. Shazam!
I'm glad metv is showing The Lucy Show instead of I Love Lucy in Hollywood. metv don't have the rights for I Love Lucy
It have been over a month since I cancelled the web on June 20, 2011, Monday. Time sure does flies. I'm a survivor! LOL
"An artist should have a WIDE RANGE OF EMOTIONS, that is what i love about art" - Sammy

Saturday, July 23, 2011

It's a Shrek movie day at home. Sadly, I don't have the last Shrek movie. I haven't watch it yet. I don't have the Xmas special
I got out of the shower. Yes, I'm freshly clean. Now, u can smell me all day long
I finally turned off the AC at noon. It was on all night and all morning. I'm too cold. The apartment is nicely cold. Love it.
The death of amywinehouse is NOT that shocking. She let drugs took over her life & kill her. Some people never learn.
I'm slowly slipping away from the living. Death is all around me. I don't have the fight to continue on planet earth.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Watching Clue, Based on the world famous board game, Clue. I have play Clue many times that I majorly suck solving the clues on clues!
Watching 3rd Rock From The Sun. Brilliant funny show w/ John Lithgow, Kristen Johnston, French Stewart, Joseph Gordon-Levitt & Jane Curtin
OMG! Perry Mason is grilling The Skipper from Gilligan's Island about Sue Ellen in Dallas. What a crazy TV world we are living in!
OMG! Perry Mason knows Sue Ellen. Wow! I didn't know Perry was in Dallas too. Perry is convinced that Sue Ellen didn't kill his son.
I'm doing nothing today. My body still aches from yesterday, but it was fun in Santa Monica for Harry Potter, the mall & the beach

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Home now! I'm that tired. I'm feeling light headed. I turned on the AC. I'm laying in bed. I'm watching some tv. A nap may be in order soon
I'm so damn hot that I want to throw up. I'm getting sick again. Barfing on the bus seems like a great ideal. All or nothing. LOL
Going home on the 704. I'm very tired. I walked a lot from Santa Monica place to the beach and back again.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Crashing soon. Not in a car thou. I need to make that happen. I get so drunk that I will crash into something. Arrest for drunk driving. LOL
I slept through the night perfectly. I didn't woke up once. That hardly happens. Sadly, I still have the cold. I took another Advil pm

Monday, July 18, 2011

I took some Advil pm for the nasty cold. I hoped it do the trick. I hardly get colds during the summer. I hate colds!
I'm getting another cold. My nose is running away. Someone need to catch it quickly. I need the nose to smell the roses
They are on the way to check the smoke detector. I heard some going off in the other apartments. I wished they hurry up. I hate waiting.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I must make drastic changes in my life soon. I may not afford my apartment. They will increase my rent. Also, they said I ole them money

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The car chase is still going on. @KTLA helicopter is still trailing the car after a short gas stop. it's the guy's third strike. KTLA
Some TV shows on DVD doesn't have PLAY ALL. Everyone Loves Raymond only have one episode at a time. I like play all much better
USA is poor. Some people will realized we are that poor and may attack us. We won't be able to defend ourselves. Why? USA have no money
USA must stop spending money on other countries & take care of their own. I only have Social Security. I may not pay rent next month
USA may give Greece $145 million & stop social security next month. There's no wonder that USA is poor. USA is in debt for a long time.
I haven't had any breakfast yet. I'm getting hungry.
I'm bad w/ numbers. Never trust me w/ money. I would lose it in a flash. I'm glad I didn't become an accountant. I'm that bad! I'm wrong!
We have another @charliesheen on our hands. Jerry Seinfeld is at 87,609 at @SeinTime. That's REAL winning!

Friday, July 15, 2011

I'm glad I didn't have fish tonight. Everyone is dying from the fish. I had chicken! Let them die. It's too late for them. Die! Please die!
I decided I won't pay back the money. I always gave them the right SSI papers for the apartment each year. They made the mistake, not me.
My $94 rent may be increase soon. The rent is 30% of my income. They said I may ole some money, which I can not afford
I hate when people try to add THEIR problems to me. No thanx! I don't want your problems. I have my own problems to deal with.
Reminder 405 will be closed in both directions from I-10 to Hwy 101 from midnight Friday 7/15 to 5am Monday 7/18. Hollywood

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Nite, u all. I need to get up early tomorrow. I need a statement from social security office. The apartment manager need a new one.
What a fun filled day. I went to the post office, saw cars 2 and enjoyed a wonderful meal at the mall. I'm tired. I may take a nap
My ass is so damn fat that it's wide enough for all people can see on google earth. It's bigger than earth. LOL
I couldn't make it home to use the restroom. We got off at Smart & Finale. I will buy some oatmeal & cereal. I felt much better now
I'M MAD. Mike is wasted. I must get rid of him before they come over 2 inspect the apt @ 10. I don't need this right now. alcoholic

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

If I'm acting beyond weird or crazy, I'm NOT myself. Blame my ill conceived mind that going further away from my reality to parts unknown

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

If I was the old magician that @howiemmandel ask "are u married?" I would have say "only to my pussy!" LOL agt
The world's best unknown artist can NOT get a break if his life depends on making it in Hollywood. agt

Monday, July 11, 2011

I lived by 7eleven. I haven't got a free slurpee yet. I really don't need one. I'm already freezing to my untimely death.
Slap! wake up! Slap! clean house! Slap! Cook supper! Slap! Walk the dog! Slap! Wash dishes! Slap! Dirty laundry! Slap! NOW! Right now! Slap!
nothing much is happening. very bored. maybe, i should go out for a little walk somewhere. Perhaps, put on a funny comedy in the DVD.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

U r a bloody liar!
Does anyone read profiles anymore? I'm tired of telling everyone the same thing over and over again. Please read my profile
If u don't like my hornet's nest, buzz off. I will sting u like there's no tomorrow. I'm that dangerous and sweet!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The world is my stage. Friends are my costars. Strangers are the extras. Hopefully, the world will notice my bizarre behavior
I'm getting sleepy. I must bail out for the night. Someone need to knock me out with drugs. I will sleep for a long time

Friday, July 8, 2011

In honor of Betty Ford's death, I will become an alcoholic, close to death from poisoning & check into bettyford clinic!
Former first lady, Betty Ford, passed away at age 93. bettyford
Some truck drivers are hauling a big elephant in their diesel. Damn! That's animal cruelty. The truck is too hot for the elephant

Thursday, July 7, 2011

We caught the bus on time from smart & finale. I'm glad we didn't wait In the hot sun. It's too damn hot!
The assassin of the queen is near. Soon, I take down the queen and kill her. No one can protect her. KILL THE QUEEN!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

agt So far, Daniel J Baker is my favorite on America's Got Talent. He is truly talented! Great voice!
agt does anyone know if the flamboyant black teen is on twitter? U know the foot on the piano. I really like him. He deserve Hollywood!
agt the dreadful old guys got to go. Come on. They are not that entertaining at all. I could do better IF I have any talent. LOL
Facebook has 750 million users. I really don't believe that. Most of us have more than ONE account. 750 million users is WRONG!
Even back then, Ed McMahon was the announcer for the Johnny Carson game show, Who Do You Trust. I didn't know that.
Wow! $500 is the top price on Who Do You Trust. I'm talking about rich money from the 1950's. $500 is a lot of money in those days.
Watching a old 1950's daytime show, Who Do You Trust? Johnny Carson is the host. I've never saw it before.
If u don't want kids, CaseyAnthony is the perfect choice. If u want kids, stay far away from her. Got that?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Dear lord! Please stop talking to yourself. I already KNOW u are crazy! Oh, no! There u go again. U r one crazy guy!
The CaseyAnthony verdict flooding begins for my twitter feed. May God help us all. Why can't people talk to me like that?
Why can't we pay monthly for our phones after our two year contract is up? Another two years is a long time. Monthly is much better

Monday, July 4, 2011

Good night! Sweet dreams!
Have a great time tomorrow wherever u are in your extremely time zone whether it's UK, USA, France or whatever!
I'm warning up to the new family. Hazel got a good thing going with them. I like the blond wife. At least, the kid have a new playmate.
I'm kicking ass on chess with friends. I think I did THREE checkmates in the game so far. They are probably running scared. LOL
Watching the old TV shows. It amazed me how far we come along. Back then, no web, no cell phones, no home computers, no DVD, no digital

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Getting sleepy. I'm fighting it thou. I don't want to fall asleep during Hazel on antenna tv. 15 more minutes until bed
I brought a bunch of fireworks. Sadly, I can't use them. The letter mentioned we will lose our apartment. Also, no alcohol either
There are many worlds out there. What world do u belong? Don't be afraid to experience life in another world. Adventure awaits u!
Home again. I was out for one hour. Sitting in front of the fan. Watching some me!
It's a extremely hot oven outside. I'm already melting like the wicked gay of the west. It's too damn hot!
Great ideal. I'm white trash that I will get drunk to get food stamps as I strip in my underwear. No dollars please, only food stamps
Watching The Fuller Brush Man. I realized I saw the last part of the movie few months ago. I have never saw the whole movie before.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

There are 2 rules to success in life: 1. Don't tell people everything u know. 2. I don't know the fuck #2 is. I must tell everything I know
He is evil. He have murder in his heart
There's one thing I can't stand. A cuckoo clock that drinks
I have lots of faults, but there's still good in me. At least, I'm man enough to admit it.
I'm so lost with the farmer's wife. I have no ideal of what's going on. Someone, please help me. The farmer's wife is boring
I enjoyed The Lady Vanishes. It was quite suspenseful from Alfred Hitchcock. Awesome movie.
I would rather give chicken pox a chance!
Saturday Morning TV officially sucks. There's nothing to watch. Gimme the smurfs, bugs bunny, pink panther, the flintstones and more.
I decided to blow up a frog w/ a firecracker. Then, eat some frog legs for supper. Why? I need to get rid of the evidence from @PETA
Good morning! How is everyone today? Please be safe this July 4th weekend. Don't blow up any frogs with a firecracker.

Friday, July 1, 2011

I will do something awful. Perhaps, murder. Drugs. Drunk driving. Beatings. Of course, Perry Mason will be my lawyer
This Friday, July 1, plastic bags will no longer be offered to customers at stores in unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County.
It's so boring when there is nothing to do. Yeah. I'm living the most boring life ever! Even my boredom is bored of me!
Best breakup line EVER: Boy: wanna see a magic trick Girl: sure Boy: POOF!!!... Ur single!!!
Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!
The best thing about me, antenna tv and RTV. watching the old TV shows again and the shows I have never see before! Great variety!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Crashing. If I don't make it through the night, u will know what happened.
I forgot John Amos is on the Mary Tyler Moore show. Love him on good times.
I enjoyed the saint with Roger Moore on retro tv. It's a great tv show. I have never saw it before. RTV
BRB. I need to powder my ass. Does anyone want to watch?
There's a guy in front of the post office, begging for money. He have a baby w/ him. The other person must be the girlfriend.
Looking for love is a waste of time. Then again, we can have fun trying. Who want to lust me? My bad. Who want to love me?
Good morning. Have a great day

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Good night
loveinthewild where are the gays? That's what I want to know. It will be interesting to see the gays on this show
I'm this close of canceling AOL. I had it for one day. That's good enough. The dial up is too damn slow. I won't miss AOL
For a brief moment, I had AOL. I decided to cancel AOL account for a FREE account. I will use the web at the library.
AOL have never gave me so much trouble until today! AOL really does sucks. I hate @AOL w/ a passion. There's no wonder most people left
I hooked the phone cord to laptop. I got some numbers from AOL. wouldn't u know it? The numbers no longer work! I tried three numbers.
no one is there for me. I have no family. I don't have that many friends. I must go at it alone
This one kid said a mouthful in the fuller brush girl. Too many scientist terms. I wouldn't even try. LOL.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

There's something wrong w/ me. Something seriously wrong. I can't put a finger on it. Please don't fuck w/ me. It's all in my tiny mind
Surprisedly, I love thevoice now. I am really enjoying it. Something different! I hate it in the beginning.
I have nothing against cremated. As long as no one vacuum my ashes, I'm all for it. Then again, u can flush me in the toilet!
Anybody else get frustrated with idea of sending Tweets that might be interesting to some folks and not others? This has me in Tweet-lock.
What kind of medication are they giving u? Angel dust?

Monday, June 27, 2011

Sweet dreams for all lovers. Worst nightmares for all haters. There's no in between. U either love me or hate me. It's up to u.
Sweet dreams
If u really believe I did THOSE things, then u don't know me at all. I'm honest as the next guy. If u cross me, all bets are off!
7 AM. good morning! How is everyone today? Have a great week. Enjoy yourself with love, peace and happiness!
6 AM. good morning! How is everyone today? Have a great week. Enjoy yourself with love, peace and happiness!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

John 3.16, whoever believes in him, shall not perished. It does NOT say gay straight white black. It say WHOEVER! Amen!
I'm ugly. I hate looking in the mirror. I looked that badly. I can't stand my ugly face. Even my body is very gross. I hate myself.
I have the spirit of an alien.
I need to find my own kind.
I must shed off the dreadful human skin.
It is very uncomfortable.
Once u are over the hill, it doesn't matter how far down u go!
The father is seeking revenge for the death of his son. Now, he want his grandson too. Oh, brother!
Tomorrow is one week w/o the Internet at my apartment. I haven't start climbing walls or scratch someone's eyes. I didn't kill me yet. LOL
Back in the day, I watch the cartoons every morning and afternoon.
Nowadays, there is no cartoons.
I missed those days.
TV Land went a different direction from a classic TV channel.
Antenna TV, me tv, Retro provided classic tv for the viewers.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sorry, guys. Svengoolie is NOT that funny. They better get rid of him. He is THAT boring to watch. I always change the channel.
Let go of the hate from the past to move forward in the present for a awesome future. The hate is holding u back to be happy.
I know u like him a lot. I'm sick for what I did. It just happened. It's one of those things. I cherished our friendship so much. Forgive me
If she was dead, she will drop the bottle
This is the longest time for two. Gross! I hoped it stop soon.
Ask a true friend how your ass smells before u fart on the date. If it smell rosy, it's a go for the SEX date. Dating101
I'm not that creative. I need to rob someone. Hopefully, it will be funny enough that some people will laugh. Here goes nothing.
Look u ugly person. If u take off your clothes, that's criminal. No one WANT to see your nude body.
U r too old and too ugly to have a baby
Since the Internet closed down some book/music/video stores, there won't be any nationwide stores, only local stores.
I have NEVER say I'm against gay marriage. Some people should NOT get married. Namely, Mike & me. His drinking IS out of control. No thanx!
Watching a old Bob Hope & Lucille Ball movie, Sorrowful Jones, on this tv. First time watching.
Did u take stupid pills this morning?
If someone attacks us, we can blink them to death
U are u sad little man. I pity u.
U backstabbing murderer
He tortures toys. Just for fun.
That ain't flying. It's falling with style.
The phone service on the iPhone sucks in my apartment. It continues dropping. Damn! No phone calls. No web. No twitter.
I have thousands of needles in my left foot. I hate when that happens.

Friday, June 24, 2011

I can wake up in the morning that gay marriage in NYC is NOT a dream. It's a reality! Equality GayMarriage NY4M NYer NOH8 LGBT
some people should NOT get marry at all. It does NOT feel right. No love whatsoever! Equality GayMarriage NY4M NOH8 LGBT 2133044168
Friendship grows in time, but it take one thing to fuck it up very badly. Don't let anything to get in the way.
I had a embarrassing moment. Someone caught me washing myself in public restroom. I couldn't look at him. Thank goodness he quickly exit.
Finished off my salad from last night
I spent too much money on the computers since the late 1990's. I must have brought over 7 computers. I could have went on a trip!
I can't afford to buy new friends. I must raise a million. Then, I could get u anything u want as long the friendship is good enough.
Have u notice? I can't play any Facebook games like frontierville. I don't have the Internet at home. I must use the library for the web
I don't think I will make it. With AIDS, forget it. With no friends, I won't survive alone. Without Mike, I may have a better chance

Thursday, June 23, 2011

U can find aqua under the sand! I never knew that! Dear lies! Why so many lies?
The hiccups won't stop
I'm not good at making new friends. Some day, I will die alone. It's hard to get new friends. I don't want to be lonely without any friends
The gay storyline starts today on days of our lives. Sonny and Will. It's going to be interesting. It's days of our lives's first gay story!
Enjoying life as one should be.
I'm going on a trip. I'm going on a trip. I'm going on a FALLING trip. Ouch! I hurt myself.
Good morning! How is everyone today?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

agt the sword swallower lady is cold, cold, DEAD cold. Oh, brother! I'm with @howiemmandel. SMILE!
I wished all TV stations will fix the damn LOUD problems. The commercials are very loud and the TV show is low. Please fix it now!
No mail today. No one loves me any more. I think I just became the most hateful negative person in the world. It sucks to be.
I'm going on with my life like nothing happened
❒ Single ❒ Taken ✔ Drunk
The best thing for the ending of the daytime soaps, All My Children & One Life To Live is seeing old characters returning one last time.
Cut off the hair and beard for the summer. I love my short hair. I can feel the cold breeze on my head.
Thinking of cutting my hair and the long ass beard.
Damn. The phone didn't charge overnight. It wasn't plug in. I thought it was. Even the battery is NOT charge. Damn! Double damn!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 1 without the Internet. I didn't suffer that much. Oh, how much I want to die. It really kills me. I can't live without u. U r my life!
I may be in the hospital soon. I don't feel that great. I'm burning up. Yes, the fan is on. I may have an infection
Today is first day of summer. Also, the first day without the Internet. I cancelled it yesterday. It's a new adventure for me.
U steal from me. U lied to me. U cheated on me. U took 10 years of my life. All I ever did was love u. I guessed love is NOT good enough.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Going to bed. Oops, I lied. I'm already in bed. Okay? Let me rephase it. Going to sleep. That sounds about right. Good night
June 20, 2011, Monday is the day I canceled the AT&T Internet. This is a reminder for me. I'm forgetful in my young age!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011

posted a photo
All day long, I'm having Internet problems. It have been cutting off throughout the day. I tried to find the AT&T CD. no luck whatsoever

Monday, June 13, 2011

Going to the bank to cash a check. I have the same check for a while. I'm that way. I should have done that the next day. Nope! I'm lazy!

Friday, June 3, 2011

In order to get more followers on twitter & more friends on Facebook, I'm going to start "fictional" lies of any stars, starting w/ me!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Laying in bed w/ no clothes on. I'm going to crash soon. I'm tired & sleepy. Hopefully, I will have a fabulous wet dream or a nightmare!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

My body does NOT feel that great. I'm getting extremely sick again. I may end up in the hospital for a much longer stay. Perhaps, a week

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The nerve of some straight married people. If they do NOT take marriage serious, why get married? Yet, the gay people can NOT get married!
I'm getting tired so early in the day. Soon, i need a wheelchair to take me places. Driving wreckless till i get the hang of the wheelchair.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

We need to invite friends to finish a quest. This is what I say. "If u don't play frontierville, I'm sorry. It's a part of a quest."
Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good night! Did I miss anyone? I did all parts of the day AND night. Have fun, like always

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Granny is trying to break the world record for watching lots of channels in one hour. Pat is always clicking away with the remote control!
I planted some crops on frontierville. The not so famous "blasted internet" showed up. I refreshed the page. I must start all over again!
my crops will be DEAD on frontierville soon. I'm getting "Blasted Internet just went all quiet on me. Let's try us a bit of a refresh."
Thanx to @twitter, At least, I know I'm NOT the only one that @facebook is down. I thought it was me and me again. Only me. LOL

Monday, May 9, 2011

I won't play farmville any more. I don't find that game interesting and fun. I feel like Frontierville is a better game.
I think I start my own star driven web site. Being a bully to the stars can be my bread and butter. It pays to be a high profile bully. LOL

Sunday, May 8, 2011

I'm not a big fan of the harlem globetrotters, but I hoped the black guys win the amazing race. They are entertaining and fun to watch
sometimes, the quick post on frontierville will NOT show up fast. Zynga need to rename it to "Not So Quick" post. That sounds right!
What game u play the most - Frontierville or Farmville? I like Frontierville the best. Farmville is too damn boring for me.
Crazy thoughts! Crazy thoughts! Crazy thoughts! Crazy thoughts! Crazy thoughts! Crazy thoughts! Crazy thoughts! Crazy thoughts!
I washed my hands in the wrong restroom. I dried my hands. A lady walked out of the toilet. I saw the sign on the door & ran away. LOL

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Another thing thou. the damn Frontierville keep on crashing on me. Hello! Please fix the problem, Zynga! I hate reload the game all the time
is there a way to "Accept All" at one time for the game requests on @facebook page?? one by one is tiresome and boring.
I had something funny to say. The damn iPhone died on me. Now, I don't remember what I said. Damn! Double damn! Triple damn!
Beautiful cold day in Hollywood. Love this kind of weather. Not too cold. Not too hot. Just right. Too bad it can't be like this every day
someone mentioned I'm taking it well. Am I? Am I really? It hurts very much. I don't show it, only in private. The pain! The pain!
Good night. Sweet dreams. In your case, wet dreams! Have a fabulous weekend. Keep reaching for the stars and go after your dreams

Friday, May 6, 2011

I got soap opera digest, entertainment weekly and tv guide all at once in the mail today. It hardly happen that way. LOL
On the phone with AT&T. I'm trying to get a new $500 refund check. The last one expired. I didn't cash it on time.
I have so many men. It's easy to lose track of them. Sometimes, I don't know what the men want. At least, I'm not a slut. Or am I?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Going to Apple at The Grove to get a new $500 refund check. I didn't cash it on time. It was good for 180 days.
I want to show my death LIVE on the web. It's gonna to be one hell of a death. Maybe, I need a sponsor to pay the funeral.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

When I fall down on the cart, it was at the fire department. I was at the right place. Sadly, the firemen was NOT around to help me. Damn!
I wished the laundry will be done soon. I'm so freaking bored. Maybe, I have to hurt myself. Any suggestions that's dangerous? LOL
Since I'm washing clothes at Lucy's, I drank so many soft drinks. I'm on my fourth or fifth. I'm about to burst soon. LOL
I'm in lots of pain. My legs hurts so much. I pushed the cart. It tipped over. I landed on the cart. I was bleeding too.
Getting aqua in the most extremely hot burning sun at El Rancho Market in echo park near sunset and Alvarado.
someone dumped some dogs by the highway. the dogs ran across the highway. some cars hit the dogs. some people saved the dogs.
Good night. Sweet dreams. Have a great day.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Another BORING car chase. It's too bad he's not a escape convict. That will be more exciting. We can see a deadly manhunt on LIVE TV.
when someone is on the deathbed, u have NOTHING to look forward to, except death itself. Let them die. Just let them die.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Frontierville fans. I love that frontierville have quick post. No more time consuming.
I knew I will die from AIDS some day. I would rather make peace w/ my life & look forward to death, instead of taking the medication.
I was being honest with my feelings. Someone unfriend me on @facebook for the Osama bin Laden comment. I will NOT stop being honest!
I'm having problems with frontierville. I'm not getting grass, rocks or trees on my land this past week. None are growing. What is wrong?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I don't give a damn about the news of Osama bin Laden. I really don't care. I'm more interest in The Amazing Race. Bring the race. LOL
I will NOT take medications for AIDS. I will let it to kill me. I will NOT take medications for AIDS. I will let it to kill me.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Good night
Hate shopping with grandma pat. She is taking her sweet ass time. I wished I stay home. I hate the freaking bitch.
Heading to the bank on the bus. We may go to target too.
Waiting for the bus in the extremely hot sun. It's a beautiful day in Los Angeles. I'm doing errands like the post office, the bank & gas

Friday, April 29, 2011

Long time ago, I promised myself something. Whenever I get the deadly disease, I won't take any medications. Just let me die. Let me die
I have a bad feeling that my insurance will not cover the medications. She asked for another insurance that I don't have. Oh well!
First needle didn't work. No blood come out. The other arm is a success.
Going to the doctor's appointment in Hollywood, where my desire for fame erupts to parts unknown whether the dreams lives or dies
Shower time. I will NOT innocence drop the soap. I will do it on purpose.
Good night. The royal wedding will be all over the news tomorrow and the web. I won't miss a thing. I bet I could watch it on the web

Thursday, April 28, 2011

If i didn't have the doctor's appointment. i will stay up all night long watching the royal wedding. i need to be well rested for the doctor
i may not watch the royal wedding at 1 am. it's too late for me. besides, i have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. I don't want to be tired.
Whenever I accept friends on facebook, I will try to send neighbor invites from all the games I play. Frontierville is the main game.
Frontierville kept on crashing on me. Damn! Zynga better fix the problem soon. Some people may stop playing the game altogether.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Is frontierville too damn slow? It is loading very slowly for me all day long.
I do NOT know. I do NOT care. I do NOT give a damn. Shut up. Please shut up!
There's something wrong with Frontierville. I can NOT harvest OR move a crop. It is stuck. I reload the game. I got the same problem.
There's something wrong with Frontierville. I can NOT harvest OR move a crop. It is stuck. I reload the game. I got the same problem.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

today's announcement is brought to you by "w" and "t" and "f
The lady in front of me have lots of cash. I'm tempted to follow her off the bus & rob her blind. It will be a great way to end the evening.
Waiting for another bus. The other bus is packed. At least, we are waiting in the shade.
Freezing my ass off at smart & final. The store is very cold
Damn! Cityville is still giving me problems. "Sorry, we can't save YOUR game, please reload AND start all over again." This is the 3rd time!

Monday, April 25, 2011

woke up from a nap. just in time for DWTS Dancing With The Stars. I can't wait for tonight. I heart Kirstie Alley was awesome!
God damn it! My heads hurts. I shouldn't drink it so fast. I better lay down for a while before I pass out on the dirt. I'm freezing!
Walking to the post office, near by my single apartment in echo park, where I had many sexual adventures with many men in my wildest dreams
Good night. Worst nightmares, only if u are a hater.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Good night. I can't get my eyes to remain open. I'm that sleepy. Sweet dreams.
I wouldn't mind of being in a coma. That's where I be for the next ten years. I need all the rest I can get. Then, woke up to another world!
What a life! What a boring life! What a extremely boring life! What a ultra extremely boring life! Dear lord! Life can't be that boring!
@oprah must be pist at Hawaii Five-O. A guy was talking on the phone AND driving. The guy is a cop too. Yes, I mean Danny "Danno" Williams!
shower time. hopefully, i could go out today for the mail at the post office and get some groceries. Or stay home and do nothing.
i think i will be red face. no one will notice I'm bleeding tears from my eyes. i can't stop the tears. the life as i know it is wash away
Good night. Have a great weekend.

Friday, April 22, 2011

I will sing as blackface. Then again, I can't carry a note. I can't do makeup either. Oh well. There goes my showbiz career!
I will sing as blackface. Then again, I can't carry a note. I'm not good at makeup either. Oh well. There goes my showbiz career.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I had a awesome time with yours truly. I tried out iphone 4 at apple. Love it. By the time my contract is up, iphone 5 will be out. Oh well.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

FUCK facebook! They blocked me for two days. I sent some friends requests. The damn facebook blocked me. What The Fuck!
Good night. Sweet dreams. In your case, wet dreams. Hopefully, u have a extra towel with u. If not, I will NOT clean up your mess. LOL

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Going to bed so late at 4:30 am. Last night, I went to bed at 4 am. I can't go on any more. I'm sleep deprived. Help me!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

I paid $72 to renew my post office box. (@ US Post Office- West Hollywood)
I felt like I forgot something. It can't be my brain. It must be my mind. I'm going out of my mind. I'm not that crazy yet!

Friday, April 15, 2011

I forgot to tell u. The post office will charge more money for the PO Boxes, starting on April 17. I must renew my box this month.
Soaps are dying. Passions in 2008. Guiding Light in 2009. As The World Turns in 2010. All My Children in 2011. One Life To Live in 2012.
Going home on the bus. I didn't find what I'm looking for at target, but I got some movies & tv shows. I'm quite happy.
They are almost here. They are at the next apartment. Then, it's my turn. Pretty soon, I can leave for target and the bank.
It's that time of the year. They are checking the apartments. They do it every year. Yesterday, we cleaned the whole apartment

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The best way to save the soaps. Make all soaps 30 minutes like EastEnders and Bold & Beautiful. Okay, AMC OLTL?
I want to be a cop. I can ARREST anyone who did me wrong. First, I must set them up for a fall. Second, revenge is sweet!
Long time ago, I mentioned the remaining soaps should go back being 30 minutes. Instead, they are cancelling the one hour soaps! AMC OLTL
ABC cancelled All MY Children & One Life To Live. I'm not that surprised. I thought one will go, but not two. A shocker!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I'm taking a beating. I'm getting weaker by the moment. I don't think I will make it any time soon. Life is slowly slipping away

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Queen is my name. Sadly, facebook will NOT accept my name. Facebook force me to use a different name. Long live the queen! LOL

Monday, April 11, 2011

I don't like product placements in the tv shows. It distracts from the story.
While investigate a murder, let's eat a big Mac. Sure thing!
A friend see me as a hateful guy! I did NOTHING wrong to them.They thought badly of me! What kind of friend does that make u?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules is a funny movie. U better see it or I will get Rodrick to throw dirty smelly diapers on your head!
I'm still waiting for pete & Brian. Where the duck are u? I'm getting bored again. Please come now. Take me to the movies. Damn if!
Happy birthday to u. Happy birthday to u. Happy birthday, dear Peter. Happy birthday to u.
If people thinks the worst of me, let them to believe that. They can believe anything they want. I won't waste my time with them at all!
Homicidal! Homicidal! Oh, how much I want to become someone else to make it happen. Blond wig, makeup, dress, knife & a gun

Saturday, April 9, 2011

I missed killing people. It's pretty awesome. I want to start killing people again. I love the thrill of the kill. See people died!
Where does it say everyone citizen MUST vote? I don't see it anywhere. As long the citizens PAY the taxes, we can complain about anything.
Someone said I can't complain because I did NOT vote. Wanna bet? The last time i checked, I am a citizen. Therefore, I will complain!
I am sick of you. Your drinking is out of hand. Please go to rehab.
I hate people when they ask for money. I'm not their personal piggy bank. For crying out loud, i'm the pussy. I don't give out change.
Carl Winslow is the worst father AND the worst police officer ever, He never look for his missing daughter, Judy, on Family Matters!
Good morning. How is everyone this morning, this afternoon, this midday, this evening, this night and soon to be tomorrow in your area?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Damn! I forgot to do "action of the day" today. FUCK!
Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored.
Help! Please help me! Frontierville is not showing up in my feed on @facebook! I can NOT get any posts. Pretty please! Help me!
Please. Pretty please. Send some painkillers on @facebook. I really need some. I'm addicted to painkillers. Thanx!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

eating a semi dry orange. not a good thing. it's that bad. Yet, I'm still eating the dry orange. damn! damn me to hell!
Pat has lots of nerves! She is demanding some rent money. I did NOT agree to pay rent. The deal is I will save money & move out!
I'm still doing the action of the day. Fart! I haven't stop playing. I have been farting all day long. U must smell it!
i had honeycombs for breakfast. i finished it too! I mean, the whole box. Not the whole box, just the cereal. Pretty confusing!
There is word of the day. Song of the day. Let's do something different. Let's do "action of the day." Okay? Action of the day. FART!
Sometimes, I wouldn't tweet unless it's something funny or hateful. That gave me a funny thought. What about hateful funny? LOL
Someone called me a damn bitch. Bitch all u like. Bitching is fun. Being a bitch is much better. I'm going to bitch slap u!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Homicidal. I'm feeling homicidal! Yes, homicidal. I'm feeling homicidal after watching a crazy blonde killer. the movie sparks my interest.
for the first time on yoville, i am really flat broke. Seriously, flat broke. Man, I need to work overtime. LOL
Some guy snuck on the bus. Sadly, he was caught. The bus driver ordered him to come and pay. Of course, he did. I never did that!
Just left yoshinoya. For some reason, I called it yokuzuna. Oops. Waiting at the bus stop. Not any more. Bus 4 is here.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I have a dream. There is something I always want to do. I hoped it will come true some day. Dreams can be MURDER!
First time at Cafe Tropical. I'm having a huge chocolate cookie. Drinking mango & pineapple fruit shake. I really…
I used to be on top of things. Now, I put things off until the last minute. I'm not the well organize any more. There goes my life!
Clark Kent must have MAGIC glasses. Once he take them off, no one recognize him. "Who the hell are u?" "I'm Superman. No, Clark!"
How can someone NOT tell that Clark Kent & Superman is the same person? That boggles my mind forever! Hello! They have the same face!
How can someone NOT tell that Clark Kent & Superman is the same person? That boggles my mnd forever! Hello! They have the same face!

Monday, April 4, 2011

@KTLA is doing sports. A girl picking HER nose behind this guy at a basketball game. I don't think no one notice the girl at all. LOL
i love love love this song! It's a "beautiful life" after all!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Grandma is very stupid. I mentioned I want some iced tea. She was kind enough to give me some, but she forgot the ice. What a stupid bitch!
Grandma is so... What the word am I looking for? Could it be that she is a hateful bitch w/ no life of her own? That sums up her life!
Grandma is so... What the word am I looking for? Could it be that she is a hateful birch with no life of her own? That sums up her life!
It's getting extremely late. I might as well go to bed. I'm that sleepy. I can't keep my eyes open. I need my beauty sleep

Saturday, April 2, 2011

I have something stuck between my teeth. I can't get it out. I have no toothpick to take it out. It's driving me crazy!
I can't stand being in the same room w/ gma! She is giving me the evil look. Why can't gma die right now? I wont have to put up w/ the hate!

Friday, April 1, 2011

I hate my grandma. I fucking hate her. I hoped she will die soon. Please die, bitch! She is forcing her hateful Christian beliefs on me.
Shower time. Does anyone care to join me? Don't worry. U could trust me this one time only. I won't even drop the soap on purpose!
what a boring day! the most boring day ever. boring morning. boring afternoon. Hopefully, the evening is FUN FUN FUN!
I felt like today is Saturday. I wished it was! the weekend ALWAYS start on a Friday for me. Party on!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I decided to use queen for all my videos. Let any queen stop me. I dare u. I double dare u. I'm the one and only queen!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I hardly listen to the radio. I have no ideal what is new. I'm not current with the music. I'm way behind of the new music!
Mike thought Bobby Buntrock was older than him. Nope! How can Bobby be older than him? He died in 1974. Mike was born in 1961. Bobby in 1952
6:55 AM. I stayed up all night long. I'm very sleepy now. Waiting for mike to leave for school. Then, I will sleep all morning.
The time is 4:53 am. I haven't sleep yet. I couldn't sleep. It's another sleepless night. Madonna is keeping me company. LOL
I'm getting sleepy. Good night. sweet dreams. Wherever u r, have a great day OR night, depending on your location.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

@chrisbrown appeared on Dancing With The Stars, I always changed the channel every time. I really don't like him. DO NOT BUY HIS CD!
I am a artist with a passioniate for creative art of the real world we all lived in!
Some people are STILL sending SPAM on twitter. Wouldn't u know it? Their tweets are PRIVATE! What lowlifes! Just block them!
If life is very boring, there is nothing to say. That's why I hardly do a blog. There is nothing to write about either. I live a boring life
I found a OLD account that I forgot I have on the web. Wow! I made it over two years ago. My account still work. I reactivated the email too
Do I have a future? I hoped so. I still have lots to do. Damn it, future! Don't fuck it up for me or else! U will regret it!
I may play Angry Birds on the computer. It's weird to play on the computer. I always play on the iphone. I'm going to kick the pigs asses!
Shower time. I stink really badly. Don't call me a piggy thou. Oink! Oink!
OMG! Jackie Chan is DEAD! Oh, man! Wait till he RETURN from the dead. He will kick major ass for the nasty rumor! RIP Jackie Chan

Monday, March 28, 2011

We always need to laugh about something no matter how bad things get. I will laugh right beside u! Someone, please make me die laughing!
Chelsea & Mark! Pretty awesome on dancing with the stars! Love it!
Kendra & Louis was PURE awesome tonight on dancing with the stars on ABC. so far, my favorites of the night!
Oh my God, they killed Kenny. You, bastard!
I must slap Mike a big one! He came home DRUNK! I'm glad he put the chicken back in the icebox. He won't burn down the house!
What's up, my little pretties? It have been a long time! I didn't miss u one fucking minute. I'm back... for revenge! LOL
Going through my account to make sure everything is in order. It's pretty confusing to have more than one account thou.
eating two day old donuts for breakfast. Oh, man! I must be THAT desperate for groceries! Anyone care to help me out? LOL
It's cold. Mike have no coat. I offered him my old one. He claimed it's too big & he LOOK homeless w/ it. The nerve of some people!
Good night. Sweet dreams. In your case, the most wildest sexual wet dream u ever have in your lifetime! Have a great week!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The women lost on Celebrity Apprentice! I wasn't sure about the guys & their GAY ad! I think America is NOT ready for it.
I realized that Mike don't have to hurt me any more. I'm pretty excited. Then again, his cooking can kill me in a intense! LOL
I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! Margie & Luke!
I was eating supper. "How's the pasta?" Mike asked. "I will throw up right now. Does that answer your question?" I laughed.
Favorite TV show: EastEnders, The Golden Girls, Empty Nest, Are You Being Served?, Waiting for God, Keeping Up Appearances, As Time Goes By
Where to begin? I could start in the beginning, but it will take a long time. Life could be interesting. Sadly, it isn't. Life is boring!
My nose is running. Can someone please catch it for me? First, stump out the cold. Then, return my nose to me. Thanx, doll!
There are other men out there. U will meet someone special. Don't rush it. Let love come to u. It's worth the wait!
Murder Eyes. Oh, how much I want to kill u. I can't stand the thought of u in my mind. U r poison. U r not worth living. I will kill u soon.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

I wish John Waters (Pink Flamingos) was on twitter. He will be interesting to follow. I want to go inside his mind. love his black humor!
I didn't do the earth hour tonight. Why should I? I saved the earth as I sleep 8 hours a night. One hour will not kill me! LOL
Jesus, please forgive my sins that I have not committed yet, but very soon thou. It could be some sort of a deadly bloody nature.
Chase, how could u? U are breaking my heart! $5 for money order is stupid. It was free. U are already losing customers. Why start now?
Mike claimed I didn't brush my teeth; bad breath. Hello! I did! I mentioned that he badmouth me, no money orders for him. LOL
Someone, please kill me now. The early bird strikes again! Damn! 4 AM is too early for me. Once more, KILL ME NOW!
Somene, please kill me now. The early bird strikes again! Damn. 4 AM is too early for me. Once more, KILL ME NOW!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Do something with your life. Don't let life pass u by. It's too precious to waste. Doing nothing is not a way to live.
play angry birds on the iphone in bed. Hopefully, I can beat that white boss before I fall asleep. The boss is hard to kill. LOL
I want to die in my sleep. I won't be in too much pain. That's the perfect death with no pain at all. Die peacefully. How do u want to die?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Elizabeth Taylor died yesterday. The furneral was today. Is it too early for a furneral? I thought everyone wait for a few days.
I know why we have TV. We don't have to listen to the lovers about their crap! Please shut up! I'm watching the damn show.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Time for bed. If u don't hear from me. Earthquake kill me. The pain attack me. I suffer a great loss of blood. Murder. So many choices. LOL
Someone knocked on the door. I didn't answer. If someone show up unannounced, I won't answer. They better call me first!
Mike haven't show up yet. He called over one hour ago. He was pretty drunk on the phone. I bet he is passed out or taken to the hospital.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mike had a wondeful birthday, except the worst rain. It rain all day long. We did nothing special. We would go to the movies next weekend
We won't do anything for Mike's birthday today. It's raining. I hoped I could bake some cupcakes. No eggs. We can do something next weekend
Today is the LA Marathon and it's raining! I felt bad for the runners. Running in the cold rain. I wouldn't do that. I will drop out.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I found a old friend, John Molinar, on Facebook. I hoped he accept my friend invite. I haven't talk to him since I moved away in 1989.
Mike woke me up; pulled the blanket from me. He cried about the money. I blurted I have it. Now, he's asking about dry cleaning. Kill me now

Friday, March 18, 2011

I wished I left when Mike did. I would have spend the night somewhere and mike will sleep in the street or end up in the hospital again!
@tweetdeck works great on the desktop. I have no ideal what's wrong with the laptop. I tried so many times so far. It sucks big time!
Mike stormed out! He think I hide the dry cleaning from him. When he come home DRUNK, he did NOT have the clothes with him! He lost them!
U guys have no ideal how mad I am. I'm ready to beat Mike up. That's how mad I am. Why can't he die? He will never stop at all.
I may not be perfect. I may whine over stupid things. I may be in a bad mood over nothing. I'll always be me. I'll always be there for you.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

it's strange to watch Survivor on Wednesday as much it's strange to watch American Idol on Thursdays. It messed up my TV viewing! Damn!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mike showed up very drunk. I found a "almost empty" alcohol bottle in his bag. Damn! I wished he will STOP destroying himself with alcohol.
Mike is passed out on the couch. He supposed to be in class now. Nope, he got drunk instead. Dangerously stupid may come in the near future!
The next time, Mike come to my apartment drunk, I will do something very dangerously stupid that it may be the end of our lifes together!
Life is quite different when u have a deadly disease. The disease will change one's life drastically for the better or the worst. LIVE LIFE!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

NBC 4 mentioned that pist may be use for gasoline. That's great! No more high price gas. Just pist in the car. LOL
My tummy is too damn full. I had seven slices of pineapple & ham pizza. It was that good. I can't eat anyore. I'm about to explore!
For some reason, I thought today was the LA Marathon. Oh, man! I have one full week to get ready. Who am I kidding? I won't last a mile. LOL

Saturday, March 12, 2011

No breakfast. I'm so hungry that I could eat some cock. Yum. I think that what I do. Eat some yummy cock for lunch. Or some cereal. LOL
is there a way to seperate youtube from google? I want to put youtube on another google account. I signed up the wrong way w/ youtube.

Friday, March 11, 2011

I knew something was up w/ Mike. He's acting strangely. He claimed I pushed him away. It's the other way around! Alcohol over me!
I got my first Entertainment Weekly issue in the mail w/ the LOST cast. I hardly watch that confusing show. I will be LOST forever and ever!
some people are dumb on jerry springer. most people doesn't know why they're there. Hello! It's Jerry Springer. Shock value all the way! LOL
I'm glad I don't work in a grocery store during a earthquake. Save the liquid now! Hello! Save yourself first! The liquid can wait!
President Barack Obama is talking right now on the TV! He just brought up the gasoline. LOL
Some people believes the world is ending. That's dumb. No one know when it happens. My point is stop living in fear!
Mike want us to move from LA. He doesn't want to be in a big earthquake. Mike can move, but I'm staying. I'm not afraid.
Good night. God bless everyone in Japan! I'm getting tired & getting tired of the devastating news of the earthquake & the tsunami.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I'm still in awe of the 8.9 earthquake AND the tsunami in Japan. Amazing video on KTVT 11. Never saw something like this in my life!
does anyone know how to use @facebook credits? I have no ideal at all. I tried to use the credits in the games themselves. It didn't work!
I hoped I could cut my hair, but I managed to hurt myself in bed. (Not from SEX. LOL.) Somehow, I sprained my right shoulder. It hurts!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Just taking a second to remind you all; I hate u with a passion! If u believe that, u really don't know me at all. Love always prevail!
Just live your life. We only live once. Have no regrets. Most importantly, be yourself. Being YOU matters the most.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

my first TV Guide issue came in the mail with @kirstiealley on the front cover! I haven't read it in a few years. I missed the old TV Guide!
The milk is NOT on sale at 7/11. Damn! Sometimes, the milk is on sale. Now, I must walk all the way to Vons for the milk.
time for some breakfast. Trix. There is no milk. I drank the last last night. That's a first! I never use a word in a row two times. LOL

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I want to play a game. If u want to die, u have to stay where u are. If u want to live, u need to cut yourself. Let the games begin!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Good night. Sweet dreams. In your case, wet dreams. Oops! I said too much. I need to keep my big fat mouth shut! I have lose lips. LOL
Good night. Sweet dreams. In your case, wet dreams. Oops! I said too much. I need to keep my big fat mouth shut! I have loss lips. LOL
I watched the Cosby show disk 1 season 1. Oh, how much I missed that show! Very happy I got the show. I remembered when it came on in 1984.
This is the greatest thing I ever brought at Target. Drum rolls please! I got The Cosby Show season 1 & 2 for $19.95. It was the last one!
I'm glad we are going home. I almost pass out at target. The heat is really getting to me. It's that hot. I don't feel that good.
Mike finally woke up at 9:50 am. I wanted to leave at 8 for the post office & target. This early bird didn't get the worm. Damn!
We are off to Target! We are off to Target. Here we come! Target practice, that is. Damn. I forgot my gun. Oh well. Better luck next time.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Suspect or person of interest. These days, the police use person of interest more. It's the same thing! Police, please start using suspect!
I wished people will STOP sending spam on @twitter. Whenever I mention something, here comes the spam. Please stop it now! I mean NOW!
I wished people will STOP sending spam to be on @twitter. Whenever I mention something, here comes the fucking spam. Please stop it now!
I need to get out more. Since I got of the hospital last month, I hardly go out, except to shop. Maybe, the movies with friends this weekend
Twitter for iphone is still NOT working. I think I have to reinstall the damn thing. Then again, @echofon is perfect right now. Love it!
My tongue is badly hurting. It's hard to eat when it's hurting. I almost drop some food from my mouth. I can't drink something HOT either!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

If I throw up in the morning. It's NOT morning sickness. I repeat. It's NOT morning sickness. Hello! I'm NOT the pregnant man. Got that? LOL
I think the reason why I want to throw up. My functions are not working right at the moment. I could go any time through mouth & ass. Oops
So much I want to be like Rodney King. Please someone beat the hell out of me. Then, I can trend on twitter! Please beat me!
It seems like my stomach settles down for a bit. I'm going to take a chance for some breakfast. I'm hungry. Please no throwing up. Barf! LOL
Getting sleepy again. I think I get a big bowl, just in case I'm tempted to throw up again. Besides, I don't want to make a mess in bed. LOL
March 3, 2011 is the 20th anniversay of the Rodney King beatings by LAPD. George Holliday videotaped much of the incident from a distance.
The moment I woke up, I was this close of throwing up in the bed again. I may not eat anything today. The beatings continues for my body.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I'm taking a beaten in the worst way possible. I can't take it any more. It's another weak moment. Death may come a calling. I need strength
I can't do LIVE tweeting for American Idol tonight. I'm going to watch Survivor instead. Survivor is the main show on Wednesday!
Oprah with Meredith Baxter-Birney from Family Ties was so moving. Tears fell from my eyes. I'm glad Michael Gross was there too.
Whosoever is living under a rock. U are in denied! Things will NOT get better for u. Please get under from the rock & face your problem.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Good night. Sweet dreams. Have a great day tomorrow. Take care!
I'm under the weather. That's a lie! Damn! I'm a fucking liar! I'm NOT under the weather. I'M INSIDE! Please forgive me for lying. Please!
@charliesheen, where thou art thee? Are u under a rock? Getting stoned? Another bloody time at a hotel? Wherever u are, please get help
Shower time. I may drop the soap a few times. Don't get any funny ideals. I'm not that kind of a person. No slut here! I was in a past life!
Slap! wake up! Slap! clean house! Slap! Cook supper! Slap! Walk the dog! Slap! Wash dishes! Slap! Dirty laundry! Slap! Do it now! Slap! LOL
Brilliant plan. I think I be a soon to be drunken actor, claimed I'm sober, get 3 million dollars an episode. I'm my own drug. What a life!
IHOP Celebrates National Pancake Day w/ Free Short Stacks from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Tuesday, March 1. Oh, man! I'm so there! Like right now!

Monday, February 28, 2011

I think I'm getting sick again. Please no pneumonia & no hospital. I don't want another hospital visit so soon. Once is enough!
There are some stars I'm looking forward to on DWTS. Chris Jericho, Kirstie Alley, Ralph Macchio, Wendy Williams. I hoped they will go far.
Do u know what's funny? I already found out the new cast of dancing with the stars before the bachelor airs on the west coast. Love the web!
i haven't watch the Bachelor this season. Tonight, I am! Dancing With The Stars will reveal the new stars for season 12, starting March 21.
30 minutes ago, mike said he's coming over. The bus arrived as we talked. Hello! He should be here by now. (He's here now. Oops! LOL)
I decided to buy more chicken legs at the market. Mile will be surprised! This time, I may buy four packages of chicken legs.
Taking a short bus ride. I haven't use TAP in two weeks. She mentioned it's best to use it now for March pass to go in effect. Confusing!
I'm still on the MTA autoload. The problem is I paid twice for February. I'm good for March. I don't have to pay another $14.
I called MTA. Their damn computer hung up on me. Damn! That's sucks! Why can't a LIVE person pick up instead? I called MTA again.
I got to call MTA about the autoload. Today is the last day of February. I don't have a bus pass for March; MTA did NOT took out $14.
Last month, I got the autoload for my MTA tap card. I don't think they took out $14 for next month. That's strange.
Mike almost left without bus fare. He thought he had $6 for the day pass. He had $2 to his name. Oops! I gave him some money for the bus.
good morning. have a great day. good afternoon. have a tasty lunch. good evening. have a awesome time. good night. sweet dreams. good bye.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

OMG! All this Oscars talk! My @twitter timeline is fast. Please make it stop. I'm getting tweets whiplash!
I don't think I watch the Oscars until I change my name to Oscar. Then, I would become the most popular Oscar weiner in history!
Everyone is talking about the Oscars. Damn! I wished I was named Oscar. Everyone will talk about me. I love getting attention.
washing the whites. Someone forgot their clothes from a dryer. Damn! We can't use both dryers. I should put their clothes out from the dryer
Long time ago, I hold a real life Oscar. Sadly, I didn't win. Those Oscars are very heavy. I almost broke my fingernail. My nails! My nails!
Do u know what's funny about me? I'm very private in real life. I'm completely the opposite on the web; I talked everything about me.
Goof morning! Let's all be a goof today and goof around! There's no goof like the present. May the goof be with u. Goof or no goof. Goof!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Tears are about to fall from my crying eyes. "Close To You" by The Carpenters always get to me. It's one of the best romantic songs ever!
Enjoying my night with mike. Listening to Mariah Carey. Then, The Carpenters. Awesome songs! Great ending to a perfect night.
I wondered why no grocery stores sell honey mustard dressing. I luv that stuff as much i luv french dressing. I want honey mustard dressing!
I won't come out of the closet. Oops! I mean from under the blankets until I stop freezing to my death, where I'm going to parts unknown.
We walked to the market from the library. We brought some groceries. We walked home. I carried thee packages of chicken legs. I'm so tired!
I found myself wanting to commit suicide. The library is THAT boring. The longer I stay, I have a thirst for human blood. Bloody thirsty!
Going to the library to check out a book about religion. Mike need to write a report about religion for the school.
we always need to laugh about something no matter how bad things get. I will laugh right beside u! someone, please make me die laughing!
March 2011 is going to be a great month! Entertainment Weekly, TV Guide & Soap Opera Digest is coming in the mail soon! I can't wait!
I checked the TV listings. It wasn't a movie. As much I love The Outer Limits, it's the worst episode ever! It's the original Outer Limits.
OMG! The alien killed that alien with a gun! The other alien ran out the UFO for his dear life. The alien is after him too. Worst Movie Ever
watching a stupid movie. Thank God the TV is muted. I'm glad I don't know the name of the movie either. An alien turned on another alien!
Good morning! I woke up about 4 am. Damn! That's too early for me. I can't go back to sleep at all. Once I'm awake, I'm wide awake!

Friday, February 25, 2011

I played Angry Birds Seasons. I finished the valentine game. It was quite hard. I think the new game is Easter. The pigs will love that!
Mike overcooked the steak. Oops! It's very dry. I used barbecue sauce on the steak. It's better than nothing! He wanted it to be perfect.
I'm very open about my feelings. It's good to express my feelings about anything whether people does like it or not.
It's still raining! Damn! There goes my tonight's plans. I hoped I could go clubbing & meet guys. Oh well. Another night for movies at home!
Do u mind putting the death stick out? Please! Pretty please! I'm begging u! WTF! I don't have to beg for my precious life! Stop killing me!
I finally fixed the desk lamp. I can't believed the light bulb went out too soon. I put it in few months ago. I hoped the new bulb will last
I ordered Soap Opera Digest for $14.95 for one year. It was $24.95. I used a promotional code. I haven't read that…
I ordered Soap Opera Digest for $14.94 for one year. It was $24.95. I used a promotional code. I haven't read that magazine in a few years.
Mike called me. He's getting wet. He have no umbrella. I forgot it's raining today. I hardly keep up with the weather & the news.
Since I found out I have AIDS in January 2011, I haven't went back to the HIV doctor. I should be on top of things with my deadly situation!
i'm happy to be alive today. Living is one of the greatest gifts ever. we may not see tomorrow. we could go anytime. just live for today!
i want to use my friend's netflix account. he get them in the mail, BUT i can watch the movies online. that is a great deal! LOL
Good morning. How is everyone this morning, this afternoon, this midday, this evening, this night and soon to be tomorrow in your area?? LOL

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I thought long & hard. I decided I won't tell Mike about new lover, Sam. There's no point at all. What he doesn't know, won't hurt him.
some guy from AOL want me to come over for sex. No thanx. I'm at my friend's house. We're going to eat soon. I'm starved. I want to eat now!