Thursday, September 30, 2010

I mentioned he can always leave. His excuse is no money & no place to go. He have a place. He can go out to the street. He will be at home!
Some people wondered why I'm hateful & anger toward Miguel. I don't like the person I become. Let put the blame to where it belongs. Miguel!
Miguel was about to walk out the door. He came back to kiss me. I walked up to him and said, "bye." I won't give him any affections any more
Miguel have NOT went to AA meetings or get himself an AA sponsor since he moved back to Hollywood.
He is NOT that serious to get help.
Miguel will move out after he get a job & a place. Who is he kidding? I know that he's NOT able to hold down a job as long he drinks. FAILED

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Overheard - Dear lord! that guy is full of hate. I'm glad I'm not his boyfriend. He wants to destroy his lover. He don't deserve any love!
yixxen's poems: Who am I?
"Who am I?" is my new poem. I hoped u will enjoy it as much I ghostwrite it. Shh! LOL
It's pretty boring when there's nothing to talk about.
I tried my best to entertain people with my life whether it's good or bad.
Some people are complaining about me. I can speak whatever is in my mind. The good, the bad & the worst. I'm being honest w/ my feelings!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The lady in front of me have lots of cash. I'm tempted to follow her off the bus & rob her blind. It will be a great way to end the evening.
I had a awesome time with yours truly. I tried out iphone 4 at apple. Love it. By the time my contract is up, iphone 5 will be out. Oh well.
I really like my pink glasses. Miguel love them. I look pretty pinky! Too pinky that I need to change my wardrobe. All pink. All the time!
I have the new twitter! Finally! I love love love it. They did a awesome job with the new twitter!
I have the new twitter! Finally! I love love love it. They did a awesome job with the new twitter!
the phone call distracted her. I called her from my iPhone. pretty sneaky! She didn't come in the bedroom. She always answer the phone.

Monday, September 27, 2010

I was never that scare in my life. Her stupid dog found me. He barked so crazy. Lynn was about to enter the bedroom, but the phone rang!
oh, crap! I think Lynn is home before my dad. i thought she won't be home by now. i better hide before she find me. gonna hide under the bed
I wished dad will get home soon. i don't like waiting. i'm getting very sleepy. at least, the fan is on me. i'm glad Lynn is still at work.
No one was home, not even dad. It's too hot to wait outside. I snuck in through the kitchen window. I felt like I'm a criminal. What a life!
I need to go back to my dad's place. I forgot to bring up the iPhone. I didn't have a chance last night. Lynn is a constant pain in my ass
I hoped I could talk to Miguel. He went ahead & cancelled the dentist appointment w/o talking to him. I want to get some things of my chest!
Miguel is hounding me about the dentist. I really don't want to pay. He's giving me the guilt trip. I already spent too much money on him.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I can't wait to get home. Lynn is the worst stepmother ever! She needs to go back to the rock she came from. No, make that the stinky gutter
Lynn won't shut up. I'm trying to watch desperate housewives. I can't enjoy the season premier. I want to see Vanessa Williams. Love her!
Lynn is giving a big headache. She won't stop going off on me. I'm tired of her abuse. I wished dad didn't married her. She is white trash!
nothing is happening in my neck of the woods. no murders. no shootings. no drugs. no fire. no suicide. no other crimes I know of. oh well!
I realized something about Anna Nicole. We have the same alarm clock. This is probably the first and last time to have the same thing! LOL
Mixed scrambled eggs & ham
Mixed scrambled eggs & ham
If people thinks the worst of me, let them to believe that. They can believe anything they want. I won't waste my time with them at all!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

I'm taking a break from farmville. There are too many farmville posts clogging up my LIVE feed on facebook. Blame those nasty pigs! LOL
Not again! I clicked on the wrong button. I don't want to visit u. I want to hire u instead! Be a slut on Santa Monica. Make me some money!
Slap! wake up! Slap! clean house! Slap! Cook supper! Slap! Walk the dog! Slap! Wash dishes! Slap! Dirty laundry! Slap! NOW! Right now! Slap!
Thinking of doing poems again and put them on a blog. I need to get my creative juices start again. I haven't done poems in a long time.
Miguel threw away my toothbrush. It was too black. He gave me a new green one. Besides, it was time for a new one.
Miguel threw away my toothbrush. It was too black. He gave me a new green one. Besides, it was time for a new one.
Miguel threw away my toothbrush. It was too black. He gave me a new green toothbrush. Besides, it was time to use a new one.
Miguel think tomorrow is Monday. Where have he been? That's right! He was getting drunk AND lost a day along the way. What a short weekend!!
I truly felt sorry for Miguel. He have no one else. I don't have the heart to kick him out of my life. It's emotional draining my well being
Love supposed to bring out the best. Love supposed to lift u up. Sadly, that's not us. It's making me sick inside. Toxic is the worst kind!
Miguel is mad. He realized he lost his important papers. Hmm, I wondered why. Oh, yeah! He got drunk. He don't deserve to be here. Whatever!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Miguel come home drunk! It's so tiresome! Some people will never learn. U can add me that stupid list. Miguel went on himself. I mean #1.
Miguel expect me to pay for his dentist. I can't afford that kind of money. I'm not a money tree. He could always ask his sister for help!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I need to do something with my life before something really bad happens to me, not knowing what's the outcome is and depends on my survival
I need to jump off the rollercoaster. Life is too precious to settle for less. Keep on shooting for the best. Only u can live your best life
That's what I expected. Someone have been drinking again. I smelt alcohol on his breathe. He's acting strangely too. What a big shock! Not!
Apartment manager didn't look at the bathroom light. He will give me a NEW lightbulb instead. Huh? The lightbulb is NOT the problem!
I don't like brightkite any more. most posts are nothing but spam. i'm so sick of it. what happened to talking about our lifes?
Good morning. I need to talk to the apartment manager about the bathroom light. The left side is NOT working again!
Good morning. I need to talk to the apartment manager about the bathroom light. The left side is NOT working again!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Don't wait for the perfect moment...Take the moment and make it perfect...
AT&T sucks! No web! AT&T sucks! No web! AT&T sucks! No web! AT&T sucks! No web! AT&T sucks! No web! AT&T sucks! No web! AT&T sucks! No web!
I lost the damn Internet again! I really don't understand. The damn AT&T modem is giving me damn problems. It's pretty frustration! Hate it!
Whenever I sign on AOL, my Internet is lost. I won't have the web. It must be the AT&T modem that causing the lost Internet connection.
I think I need a new AT&T box. All five lights supposed to be on. The wireless light hardly comes on at all.
I think I need a new AT&T box. All five lights supposed to be on. The wireless light hardly comes on at all.
How come every time I sign on to AOL via broadband, I always LOST my connection to the web? I can't go online any more. Please help me!
I have the spirit of an alien.
I need to find my own kind.
I must shed off the dreadful human skin.
It is very uncomfortable.
If you don't tell lies, at least you don't have to remember what you have said. I'm the world's best unknown killer, who happens hates it!
I had a nice time with Tom this morning. Tom is someone I really need in my life at this awesome moment. We are taking things very slowly.
The LIVE American Idol press conference is a big let down. Boo! Boo! There is NO sounds at all. I was looking forward to see it LIVE.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I gave Miguel a fair warning. If Miguel does NOT shut up, I will tell him off. He's driving me crazy. Please shut up, Miguel! SHUT UP!
I was getting too cold. I closed the door. It's too bad that Tom is not here. He would have keep me warm in his arms. How sweet!
Got rid of dragon's lair from iPhone. It the most stupid game I ever play! I didn't like it in the 1980's and I still hate it today! Hate it
@oprah must be pist at Hawaii Five-O. A guy was talking on the phone AND driving. The guy is a cop too. Yes, I mean Danny "Danno" Williams!
I'm glad I always check the tweets on the iPhone in the morning. I wouldn't know what's happening with twitter. Someone hacked twitter!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Is Hawaii Five-O any good? I may tune into the first show. I heard it's that bad. No surprise there. The new version won't last that long
Sometimes, Miguel does NOT know what he's talking about. I need to use the ATM inside. He claimed it was outside around the corner. Nope!
I'm going to get pink glasses. Yes, pink glasses. I really look good with them. The glasses will be ready next Friday. It cost $120.
She took the chart to the front. I'm still waiting in the hallway to see someone. Yet, she managed to lose my chart somewhere. Waiting sucks
My eyes aren't good for the lasik eye surgery. It's too thin. I still need to wear glasses. I don't want lenses either. I hate wearing them
Doing the eye exam right now. Surprisedly, they didn't blow air in my eyes. It's all lasik. This is much better than the old fashion way.
I felt like Lasik Eye Center is aiming something with my eyes. I want glasses, not lasik eye surgery. I must tell the doctor before he start
Miguel left me behind at the union station. He went with a complete stranger to somewhere. That's pretty dumb. I have never saw her before.
Miguel met me at the bus stop across from the school. We are taking rapid 704 to the subway, then get off at western for the eye doctor.
Shower time. I need to get ready for the eye doctor. My appointment is at 11:30 am. I need to pick up Miguel from school too.
Facebook didn't give me the security question to prove my identity. Instead, they want a cell number! The nerve!
Facebook didn't give me the security question to prove my identity. Instead, they want a cell number! The nerve!
I can't get over that facebook want a phone number to confirm my identity. I'm curious about something. What about the security question?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Miguel is complaining about my hair. I'm losing my hair. I really don't mind. I love being bald. He want to get some hair treatments. NO WAY
Why can't some people take an hint? I played a song, get away. Yet, Miguel is still here. I must push him out and lock the damn door! LOL
Washing clothes. Oh, my! What an exciting life I have. The next trick I will do... A real life trick from Santa Monica Blvd. Get ready, guys
Queen is my legal name. Sadly, facebook will NOT accept my legal name. Facebook forces me to use a different name. Long live the queen! LOL
Why did facebook blocked my other account? I didn't get a warning either. I sent a txt & I have NOT receive a txt.
Why did facebook blocked my other account? I didn't get a warning either. I sent a txt & I have NOT receive a txt.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

It happened again! Make that 3 times. I will take a break from frontierville for a little while. They should have fix the problem by now!
I gave frontierville another chance tonight. I got the damn lost connection over two times so far. That made up my mind. So long!!
Saying goodbye. Passions ended in 2008. The Guiding Light in 2009. As The World Turns in 2010. What daytime soap is next to be cancel?
All My Children, One Life To Live, General Hospital, Days Of Our Lives, Bold & Beautiful and Young & Restless are the last remaining soaps.
Thinking of giving up frontierville. I'm so damn tired of dealing with the damn LOST connection all the damn time.
Thinking of giving up frontierville. I'm so damn tired of dealing with the damn LOST connection all the damn time. watch this pretty awesome hand dancing video with Suzanne Cleary & Peter Harding. pure awesome!
I need some tape. A certain someone won't shut the fuck up. He kept on talking & talking & talking. Shut his trap with the tape. Help me!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Going to bed right now after Miguel gives me the kiss of death. I won't wake up either. I will sleep w/ the angels. I sound like a slut! LOL
This is Abdullah The Butcher, one of the most fear sadist wrestler of his day. He's pretty awesome!
This is Abdullah The Butcher, one of the most fear sadist wrestler of his day. He's pretty awesome!
I'm in pure NWA wrestling heaven! I saw a dory funk jr. & Carlos Colon match. A very old match! Dory was so bloody! Good ole days'
NWA Wrestling Premieres tonight!: yes, i am watching OLD nwa wrestling. there are some matches I have never saw before.
Few people got off the bus on western. More people got on the bus. It's jam packed on the bus. I can't ever breath. They're stealing my air
The bus is getting very packed. Some lady's boob is near my extremely hurting eyes. I can't bare of seeing it up close. My eyes. My eyes.
Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored.
I'm almost halfway home. We are arriving near target on la brea and santa monica. I think about 25 Minutes till home. I'm very tired.
I got some stuff at the container store. It's my second time to shop there. My last time was about seven years ago. It's an awesome store.
All this walking is killing me. I might as well be dead now. I can't walk any further. Someone needs to pick me up. Pronto!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What are you doing? Write me back or I am going to drive down and spank that ass and you might just like it!!!LOL
Miguel think I don't have any problems with the prepaid cell phones. Yes, I do! Miguel kept on losing the phones. It's costing me a fortune!
If u are on myspace, please add me.

I heard myspace is making a comeback next month.

Going on a movie date with Tom. It's our first official date. I'm pretty excited! I met Tom at Walt Disney Concert Hall. He's a nice fella

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I'm a mean bitch! I woke Miguel up. I told him the winner of America's Got Talent. He's upset. I did him a favor. He can go back to sleep!
Miguel think the milk isn't good. It tasted funny. The due date is today, September 18, 2010. I think I drink the milk. I can be more funny!
Surprisedly, I enjoyed the mafia. At first, I didn't get It. I'm learning how to play. Pretty soon, I will kill anyone who stand in my way!
Going home on another cool bus. I love taking cool buses. It's one of the newer buses mta have. All it need is wifi and I will be happy!
This sucks. I learned Medicare & medical does NOT pay for the eye doctor. I have to pay $150 out of my pocket. I can't afford it. Damn!
Bus reached the stop. Miguel called me. Thank goodness the light turned red. He caught the bus on time. I didn't have to get off the bus.
Going to miguel's school to pick him up. We're going to the eye doctors again. My old eye doctor in downtown. It's time to get my eyes check
I'm a character. What's real? What's not? I could get away w/ murder. Then again, I could be the biggest fake. Only the truth lies within me

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Some people comes up with the most stupid ads ever. They need a new line of work. Where do they get their ideals from? I could do worst. LOL
Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored.
Iphone just died at the library. I'm using my druggie prepaid phone now. I can send tweets. That about it. No twitter or facebook on prepaid
"why do u have to give out my name on the web?" Miguel asked. Why not? I'm doing the first name, not the full name. My name is max yixxen!
We have one hour to kill. The library open at 12:30 pm. Oh, brother! iPhone will die soon. I won't have anything to entertain me. Kill me!
Library is closed. Miguel want to check out a book. Right now, we are killing time. We haven't eat anything yet.
Library is closed. Miguel want to check out a book. Right now, we are killing time. We haven't eat anything yet.
It's pretty hot in Hollywood today. I don't want to get off the bus. It's very comfortable. The bus is very cool. I found my new home. LOL
Miguel's new frames came. It looks pretty good on him. Very handsome. It cost $85. Not a bad deal. Four eyes will be ready next week. LOL
Damn! I missed the sunset bus. The damn light always takes it's sweet ass time. Now, I have to wait for a while.
Damn! I missed the sunset bus. The damn light always takes it's sweet ass time. Now, I have to wait for a while.
I joined the mafia. U better be extremely careful from now on. I have a gun. I'm not afraid to use it. Watch your back on facebook!
Miguel went to school. Yesterday was his first day. He was on break about three weeks. He's taking an English class. I'm quite proud of him!

Monday, September 13, 2010

What is living when u are not living a life? There is living. Then, there is living. Life have been dead for a long time. It's that dead!
I don't know what to do with myself.... my life is wasting away to nothing. life sucks.
luck has nothing to do with my success, i make my own life!
Watching The Nate Berkus Show on NBC 4 in Los Angeles at 2 PM. I knida like it. I don't think I will watch every day thou.
I played poker AND I sucked big time. I'm glad this is NOT real life. I know I will lose all my money AND end up homeless once again! LOL
Fucking stupid. Zynga wants us to get stuff from the other games. HELLO! I don't play mafia wars or poker! This sucks!
Fucking stupid. Zynga wants us to get stuff from the other games. HELLO! I don't play mafia wars or poker! This sucks!
Some people doesn't understand me. I try my best to explain. Sadly, they don't get it. I have to draw a picture for them to understand. LOL

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Off to dreamland. Or is it nightmares on waterloo street? Whatever the case may be, sweet dreams! Gonna to protect myself with a knife. LOL
"That's what she said."
I got it from Big Brother.
they made up some stuff.
Then, they said, "that's what she said!"
Pretty funny!
That's what she said!
Do u feel lost along the way & have a need to find yourself to get back on the street where u end up going the wrong way? I can't find a way
@sarahjoybrown PATH's web site ADDRESS: 340 N. Madison Avenue. PHONE NUMBER: (323) 644-2200. EMAIL:
The Powerpuff Girls is trending on twitter. love that show. It's one of the best cartoons I ever seen. gimmie some powerpuff! LOL
when someone mention something about something on twitter, they will spam about the certain something i don't care for. LOL
Damn! I dropped my damn phone on the damn ground. I was stretching my damn arms. The damn phone slide off my damn tummy. Damn! Double damn!
I'm getting very sleepy now. It's only 8:20 AM. I should take a quick nap. Then again, I won't be able to fall asleep at night. I may do it
Yixen is NOT my real last name. It supposed to have 2 Xs in the middle. I added the other X to Max. Facebook won't accept 2 Xs in a name!
Good morning! 4:41 AM is too damn early for me. Like always, I can't sleep. Once I'm awake, I'm awake. LOL
Good morning! 4:41 AM is too damn early for me. Like always, I can't sleep. Once I'm awake, I'm awake. LOL

Saturday, September 11, 2010

I wouldn't dare to sleep with a woman!
Dear lord!
I would go out of my mind before that ever happen!
Just call me an insane fool!
If I'm gonna sleep with a woman for the first time, what drugs should I be on?
I have so many faces on my book. Which one is the real me? The slut? The abuser? The unlucky? The murderer? The foulmouth? The hater? The ??
I need to talk to dad about some stuff, mostly my cell phone. I don't want to give up the phone. Hopefully, he can continue to pay my bills.
Going to my dad's to terrorize Lynn. Have I ever told u how much I hate the fucking stepmom? Seriously, I hate her with a passion! Hate her!
Good morning! It's 5:39 AM in Hollywood. I'm still tired. I can't go back to sleep. Once I'm awake, I'm awake! Have a great weekend!

Friday, September 10, 2010

I shut down the computer, brushed my teeth & watching I Love Lucy the second season. U can't go wrong w/ Lucy!
I shut down the computer, brushed my teeth & watching I Love Lucy the second season. U can't go wrong w/ Lucy!
All haters out there on the Internet. Why give u the time of day? U are bullies hiding behind the computer! Get over yourself & stop hating!
I felt like barfing. I don't feel that good. I'm thisclose of barfing. It must be something I ate. Maybe, not. It could be something else.
Miguel checked the boiling water - it's medium. Oh, man! I don't believe him. He need to stick his finger in the water. Then, I will know!
New grocery rule - if he doesn't come back on time with the stuff when the cashier is done, I'm NOT buying it. The best new rule of 2010!
Where's the fire? Some firemen are looking at glasses. The firetrucks are park in front of LA Vision! I kid u not!
Where's the fire? Some firemen are looking at glasses. The firetrucks are park in front of LA Vision! I kid u not!
If u don't want to be spoil about your reality shows, don't be online during the show. News travels fast on the web. Nice warning from me.
Miguel touched my hair. I mentioned touch it one last time. He pulled my hair. LOL. Seriously, I want to cut it. Hair is getting too long
FF @sndchasr @ramblingtoddy @tomrob7581 @wally0726 @timmy_gaga @bknomore @cwm1955 @kylehd @nickstarr @honnydipp @dovey2316 @jonconnell
I'm tired of the damn pigs. They are taking over the feed. Kill the pigs! Kill all pigs! Slaughter them. The pigs deserve to die right now!
Good morning. Rise and shine!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

We can be only true to ourselves.If we don't, we won't be happy in the long run. Please be yourself. Don't get lost along the way.
U can't escape me. I'm everywhere. I hunt u down like the dog u are, Miguel. U can't hide from me either! I'm gunning u like never before!
I'm as real as they come on the web. I'm a open book. Some things aren't what it seems when it comes to me.
Home sweet home. The AC is on. I'm very tired. So is Miguel. We have a great time at Glendale Galleria. We got some peanut brittle at See's!
Miguel have been thinking a lot about Chris Crocker. Someone have a big crush on him. What can I say? Miguel loves blondes. Go figure! LOL
Glendale Galleria. I haven't been to this mall in a long time. It's one of my favourite mall.
Glendale Galleria. I haven't been to this mall in a long time. It's one of my favourite mall.
Going to the mall in glendale. Miguel want to see about his eye description to be tranfer here from Boise, Idaho. He lost glasses a while ago
Do U ever wonder if u remain on the same path in life u supposed to be on? U take a different path along the way & end up w/ different life.
Good night. Sweet dreams. I hoped I don't turn over on my bad aide in my sleep. Somehow, I can't go on with the pain. See u tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Miguel laughed his head off! He can't get enough. How dare he laugh at the one and only queen! Off with his head!
Miguel laughed his head off! He can't get enough. How dare he laugh at the one and only queen! Off with his head!
Couple months ago, big brother revealed two people is already friends before they entered the house. Who are the two friends? I have no clue
I'm going to push Miguel to the ground. He is in my way. Therefore, it's not my fault. He shouldn't be in the way in the first place. LOL
maybe, i take a walk somewhere fun or dangerous! i need a little excitement in my life. dangerous is my middle name. extremely dangerous!
I can't hold it any longer. I need to let it out. I must let it out. I can't control it. It's something I must do. Release it now! Do it now
I was playing farmville on the iPhone. I was clearing the plots. The damn game crashed on me. That's stupid! I need to start all over again!
Few minutes ago, I put the fan on low. It was that damn high. Just now, Miguel put the fan on high. Say what?!?!? He want to blow me away!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I'm extremely shocked! He will think of me that way. Come on, Miguel! I'm not that abusive. I may have done terrible things in the past! LOL
Watching the Jeffersons on all in the family. Love the Jeffersons! I'm glad I have both shows on DVD.
Watching the Jeffersons on all in the family. Love the Jeffersons! I'm glad I have both shows on DVD.
We got off the bus in echo park to eat at a Chinese restaurant nearby. We can't find the place. We must have got off the wrong stop. Oh, man
I smell tuna fish on the bus. Miguel doesn't smell it.
This is my last time ever at the foot doctor. He is one of the doctors in Los Angeles. I won't miss the 12th floor!
This is my last time ever at the foot doctor. He is one of the doctors in Los Angeles. I won't miss the 12th floor!
Time is very slow when waiting. I can hear the loud steamy sexual noise down the street. They are really going at it. Best sex ever! LOL
Going to the foot doctor for my new shoes. I think this is the last time for the doctor. I saw him so many times this summer. Sweet Jesus!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Bus driver kicked someone off the bus. He snuck in the back door. He ignore bus driver, who went back to the bus and kick him off
My heads hurts. All the running i did this afternoon. I better slow down. I think i get more coffee at starbucks. It will get me going.
Damn! My friend won't shut the hell up. So badly, i want to slap him around. He is getting on my damn nerves. I'm so close to hit him.
Getting hot. I need to sit down for a while before i pass out from the heat at the store. I wished the ac is on. It's way too hot.
They are deciding on a purse. I should say MAN purse. There goes the straight world. A man wearing a purse. What the world is coming to? LOL

Sunday, September 5, 2010

How can someone blackmail me when there is nothing to blackmail me with? Besides, i'm a open book. Anyone can read me like the filth i am!
Miguel is mad. He feels like I'm hiding something on the computer. Oops. I will let him to think that. He can be jealous of my new lover.
I have two cell phones. The iphone is for my friends. My prepaid phone is for selling drugs. Love the drug dealer lifestyle. Easy money. LOL
I tried to use starbucks gift card at barnes & noble. They serves starbucks. She said i can't use the gift card because it's barnes & Noble
Accepting bees as I catch up on twitter

Saturday, September 4, 2010

I'm quite surprised it took craigslist to remove their adult section a long time. Oh well. I guessed I have to look for sex elsewhere. LOL
I told Miguel that he's lucky. He mentioned he is because I haven't kill him yet. I just laugh at his face. What a strange dude I wicked am!
Wow! I can't believe it. I really can't believe it. I'm having ICE for desert. Thanx, Miguel! Ain't I so special!
Wow! I can't believe it. I really can't believe it. I'm having ICE for desert. Thanx, Miguel! Ain't I so special!
I'm getting so fucking upset. I got lost connection at frontierville over FIVE times this past 30 minutes. I need to start all over again!
Finally! I found some sunflowers! I have been looking over a damn week. Now, I can do a new quest.

Friday, September 3, 2010

I'm laying in bed. One of my toes on the right foot is moving all by itself. Very strange indeed. It have never happen before. Pretty scary!
Hmm, I wondered where I'm at. Could it be? I have cherry coke & popcorn. That's right. I'm at the movies.
Hmm, I wondered where I'm at. Could it be? I have cherry coke & popcorn. That's right. I'm at the movies.
I'm still pretty tired. I stayed up very late. I was catching up with the facebook games. I have too many games. I may have to give up some.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The social security lady want me to appeal, but why? I gave them the paper work on June 11. Another worker gave me a waiver. Much better!
Tacos for lunch at Taco Hell.  Oops, I mean Taco Bell.  LOL
Tacos for lunch at Taco Hell.
Oops, I mean Taco Bell.
A social security worker doesn't have both arms. He is using the computer with his feet on a high chair. Handicap people CAN do anything.
I think I need to go to social security office again. I'm not looking forward to it. They are taking (but it's stealing) some money from me!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Gonna to dream the most demonic murderous plots ever in the most scary nightmares I will have, only to be awaken that nothing really happens
OMG! Someone called me a fag. How rude! I explained fag is a smoke. Now, he get it. Then, I told him he need to smoke me. He ran away fast!
Eating pizza! Getting tired of pizza hut pizza. I want something different to eat.
Eating pizza! Getting tired of pizza hut pizza. I want something different to eat.
A guy took the wrong bus. He became extremely upset. Seriously, Why? 704 Doesn't stop at every stop. He only got himself to blame.
My limo ride is here. Ain't I one lucky bitch? LOL
My limo ride is here. Ain't I one lucky bitch? LOL
Bristol Palin on Dancing With The Stars! Come on now! She is NOT a star. She is the worst casting of the new season. DWTS is not interesting
I just don't get Lynn at all.
I didn't cause miguel's drinking.
He's always been like this, even before I met him.
Lynn is one stupid bitch
I hate my step mom. I explained my situation about Miguel. Lynn pointed out that it's my fault because I'm gay. How dare her! I hate her!