Tuesday, August 31, 2010

We voted for America's Got Talent. Awesome show tonight. We love the little opera singer, Jackie Evancho. Fighting Gravity is brilliant too
Miguel thinks he is getting better. I asked on what? He mentioned he is controlling his drinking. Yeah, right! Then, I must be going crazy!
Why, oh, why some people dump their smelly trash in the laundry room? Now, the laundry room have more flies. They better stop or else!
A guy bet $1 for his showcase on the price is right. The other guy went over. The first guy won his showcase w/ $1. I want his lucky dollar!
Good night or good morning or good afternoon or good evening or good whatever time zone u are living in at the moment whether it's that Zzzz

Monday, August 30, 2010

I have 33... Count them... 33 apps to be updated on the iPhone. It's taking forever and ever! The web is too damn slow.
This is magic. I could lift a ice cube without putting it inside the spoon. Let's try out for America's Got Talent!
This is magic. I could lift a ice cube without putting it inside the spoon. Let's try out for America's Got Talent!
woke up from a nap. I'm still tired. Hate it when that happens. I think I stay in bed. Another nap may be in order. Off to whatever! LOL
I wanna do killing things with u.
A lady was talking on the phone while driving. She pulled up in the parking lot. Surprisedly, the police didn't see her. They were in 7/11.
I don't think Elegance Dry Cleaners did a great job. There was few lynch on the clothes. Bad service.
I don't think Elegance Dry Cleaners did a great job. There was few lynch on the clothes. Bad service.
i have never hit someone before. Why start now? I must clean my hands of miguel. Since he don't want to stop drinking, I will stop it for me
When Miguel lies to me, I will slap him. At least, he can defend himself. He is fully sober by now. I can't wait to have the talk & break up

Sunday, August 29, 2010

It's 2 am. I better head to bed. It's going to be a long night. I know I will be very tired to keep on eye on Miguel. My life really sucks!
This is going to be another sleepless night. I really hate those nights. I'm glad I'm not on crutches. Oh, man! It will be hard to deal with

Saturday, August 28, 2010

I'm about to do something very stupid. I may get in big trouble too. I can't take it any more. It went on long enough. It must stop now
I'm getting to the hot tempted boiling point with Miguel AGAIN! The anger is slowly releasing itself from within. There's no stopping me!
I went out to get the old rugs from the dumpster. I heard Miguel locked the door. I got upset. I unlocked the door & pushed him down.
I heard Miguel is going through his secret stash of alcohol in the restroom. Yes, guys, he's very drunk. No surprise there! I made a video!
thinking of turning my wife into a gay male on frontierville. Then, I can have the first gay married couple on frontierville. Pretty cool!
Miguel isn't watching the movie anymore. The headphones is on the floor. He's sleeping. I stopped the movie & turned off the tv. Oh well.
Miguel is watching sunset blvd. It will keep him entertain for a few hours. Get him drunk, put on a movie & the movie is the babysitter. LOL
A lady got on the bus. She accidentally drop her can of beer. Oops! The nice bus driver clean up her mess. She gave him water. Its too funny
Anna's on fairfax & 3rd moved to a new location on beverly & creasant heights. It's a bigger place than fairfax & 3rd. I like anna's
Whatever u do, please don't come to kmart on 3rd & fairfax in LA. Downstairs is a huge mess. They're rearranging.
Whatever u do, please don't come to kmart on 3rd & fairfax in LA. Downstairs is a huge mess. They're rearranging.
Kmart is a huge mess right now. They are rearranging downstairs. Man, this is the worst kmart ever! I have never like this kmart!
Almost there.
On the way to anna's. I hoped she got the pillow cases I want. The old pillow cases are not any good no more. I should have take a pic.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Miguel is acting strangely. We all know what that means. At least, he is busy watching a movie alone. I don't want to see Auntie Mame again

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Miguel claimed he's doing his best. He is NOT! Since he lives with me, he haven't went to AA meetings or get a sponsor. All he do is talking
Learn from your mistakes and leave it in the past. Then, we can move forward in the present to the future.
Going home now. We are done with everything. We even had lunch at mcdonald's. We made it on time. The bus just arrived. We are on the bus.
Finally! I have a keyboard for the prepaid phone. This time, miguel won't use the prepaid that often. Knowing miguel, he may lose it again.
Returning a cell phone at best buy; no keyboard. I will buy a keyboard cell phone at target instead. Texting with a keypad sucks big time!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm not myself. I'm slowly going away of not ever to the person I once know and loved. It is the sad truth I must face no matter what!
Lord help me! The heat is killing me softly. Thank God for the shade! By now, I will be DEAD without it. LOL
Lord help me! The heat is killing me softly. Thank God for the shade! By now, I will be DEAD without it. LOL
I wanna to go home. The heat is really killing me today. I'm going to get a massive heatwave stroke. Sitting in the shade for the bus.
Miguel remembered the lost phone. He want to stop at tmobile. I want to go there alone. No more cell phones for Miguel. He keep losing them.
Going to home depot on the bus. Miguel want to get a new lightbulb for the restroom. The light keep on flickering.
Walking down the street. This beautiful white dog came upon behind us. the dog is lost! He's so friendly!
Walking down the street. This beautiful white dog came upon behind us. the dog is lost! He's so friendly!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

They mention I must pay $565 at once. I told them I can't afford the full amount. They are letting me pay half now and half later. Awesome!
I really thought medical and Medicare pays for everything.
$565 is for the casting.
Therefore, I have to pay for it.
Oh well.
I got slammed with a big doctor bill. I think it's $585. Medical doesn't cover it. I must pay out of my pocket. There's nothing I could do!
Don't worry about it. This is our last time. Good things comes to those who wait. Got that?
Fruit salad for lunch. It was pretty good, but the pineapple was too sour! The watermelon was very sweet.
Fruit salad for lunch. It was pretty good, but the pineapple was too sour! The watermelon was very sweet.
Going to the doctors on 704. It's too damn hot to wait for 704. We waited under some shade at the gas station. No pants today.
Miguel want to drop off some clothes at the dry cleaners on the way to the doctor. I don't want to wait in the hot sun for the bus again

Monday, August 23, 2010

Miguel is battling a damn housefly. He kept on missing it.
We sat at the top roll in the balcony at concert. I didn't want to move during the intermission. I wouldn't make it back to the seat! LOL

Sunday, August 22, 2010

This is where Brian & me sat during the concert. We were really on top, the very top! It was a fun time!
This is where Brian & me sat during the concert. We were really on top, the very top! It was a fun time!
The ticket for the concert at Walt Disney Concert Hall. They will sing Beethoven & Broadway. Break a leg, Peter!
The ticket for the concert at Walt Disney Concert Hall. They will sing Beethoven & Broadway. Break a leg, Peter!
Waiting for my friends to pick me up. Peter have a concert at Walt Disney Concert Hall. It will be my first time there. I can't wait!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Miguel is turning into a little thief. He switched the price tags on some clothes. He claimed the price is too high. This really suck!
Miguel was drinking after school this morning. U can tell on his face AND the way he's acting right now. Same old crap. Neverending Story!
Miguel went to the library. I wanted to go with him, but he turned me down. I bet I know why too! I better chase Him down to stop him!
it seems like we build something new every week on facebook. Some of them are pretty close of building like few days or so. farmville
I wished Miguel will shut up about the lost phone. He think tmobile should credit me. It doesn't work that way. The phone is prepaid.
I sure could use some shovels to dig my a$$ out of this hole on farmville. Could you send some please? Thank you.
Who is having troubles receiving aqua vitae on treasure isle?
I accepted some aqua vitae and it won't show up in the storage.
That sucks!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Who is having troubles receiving aqua vitae on treasure isle! I accepted some aqua vitae and it won't show up in the storage. That sucks!
I wished zynga will stop giving us stuff to build in the games. There are some stuff I have NOT finish on @facebook games!
Time to wear my new shoes for four hours today. Tomorrow, five hours. I still need to wear my boot for one more week.
Cocoa Pebbles for breakfast
Cocoa Pebbles for breakfast

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I got two new things from the mystery gifts. A brown squirrel and a long tailed duck! The rest mystery gifts are majorly crap! Same old crap
How come we get the same gifts all the time from the mystery gifts on farmville? I got the same old boring gift over five freaking times!
Sometimes, I wish I could walk away from it.
So, I won't have to deal with the long time problem.
Hopefully, the past will be dead some day.
Some things never change! Kill me! Please kill me! Why don't u kill me now? Put me out of my miserable! Kill me now! Pretty please! Kill me!
Washing clothes. Pretty exciting and fun. I'm having the ball of my life. I'm jumping for joy on my left foot. LOL
Coke truck was backing up in the parking lot at market. He is about to drop off some cocaine. Oops! I mean coke.
Coke truck was backing up in the parking lot at market. He is about to drop off some cocaine. Oops! I mean coke.
Miguel got on the bus for school. I'm on the way to get some water at the market. Miguel is pretty sober right now.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm quite surprise we last long as we did. We broke up so many times. One thing I know for sure. I'm glad he made me homeless in 2001.
Cooking tuna helper. We are having creamy pasta. I haven't cook over a month. Miguel cook all the time. I couldn't because of the right foot
Miguel is ignoring me like the black plague. Or is it annoying? I get those two mess up. He is quite as a mouse. Soon, we must talk!
Miguel made himself at home. He's watching TV & eating cereal. Waiting till he get MORE sober, tell him again!
Miguel made himself at home. He's watching TV & eating cereal. Waiting till he get MORE sober, tell him again!
I want Miguel to pack his stuff. It will get him to realize I won't stop him from leaving. We both made our choices. No hard feelings at all
Miguel have three choices to make - friend's place, go to rehab or homeless. I think he would rather be homeless. I'm no longer HIS choice!
I told him that I don't want him to live with me any more. He wanted to pack his stuff. I told him leave his stuff until he find a place
Miguel showed up. It's due or die time. Something like that. LOL.
Two hours later, no Miguel yet. He must be getting drunk somewhere. It's noon. I hate playing the waiting game. All we do is wait wait wait!
No signs of Miguel. He may not come home. I'm glad i got the new shoes yesterday. I really CAN kick him out! with the boot, not so much. LOL
wear my new shoes 1 hour today, 2 hours tomorrow, 3 hours the next day. Increase the shoes. Decrease the boot.
wear my new shoes 1 hour today, 2 hours tomorrow, 3 hours the next day. Increase the shoes. Decrease the boot.
By now, Miguel is getting off from school. I can't wait for him to come home. The moment I see him, I will give him the bad news. MOVE OUT!
Since miguel lost the cell phone, I won't get a new cell phone for him. This is the 2nd time to lose it. He lost a cell phone last month too.
miguel left for school. he know i'm fucking upset! talking to the ALCOHOLIC won't do any good. it's time to kick him out of my place & life!
Does anyone know how to get the web browser back on blackberry 8700g? I did a wipe on the blackberry. The web browser is missing. Help me!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Does anyone know how to get the web browser back on blackberry 8700g? I did a wipe on the blackberry. The web browser is missing. Help me!
Miguel lost his cell phone. A guy found Miguel's cell phone at lucy's. I ran down to lucy's. I shouldn't run at all. My foot isn't ready yet
As I suspected, Miguel came home drunk again. That doesn't surprise me one bit. Sadly, he wondered why I won't marry him. Not in this life!
iPhone will be very dead soon. I don't have enough time to type very s l o w l y. I must say goodbye until the next time we see each other!
Peter is waiting to use the restroom at coffee bean. I'm heading to frontrunners for the new shoes. We have one more hour till the doctors.
Peter was stuck in the elevator at the nursing home. I was waiting in the car. It's a good thing I didn't went inside. I will scream loud!
I'm having French toast at Norm's in West Hollywood. I haven't eat French toast in a long time.
I'm having French toast at Norm's in West Hollywood. I haven't eat French toast in a long time.
Foot doctor is now at 3 PM. The doctor couldn't see me at 11:30 AM. He have surgery. That's cool! I will have more time to look at new shoes

Monday, August 16, 2010

Peter is coming over tomorrow. He mentioned the doc want to bring the shoes with me to the doctors. I haven't buy the new shoes yet. Oops.
just woke up from a nap. eating leftoverrs for supper. accepting gifts on facebook. watching Miguel's favourite game, wheel of fortune
Sadly, once again, gay marriages are put on hold in California. No marriage on august 18. The fight for equality continues...
I have a appointment with the foot doctor tomorrow morning at 11:30 AM. They just called me to confirm. I think I take the bus up there.
Miguel went in the dressing room. I'm that freaking bored. We have been here over an hour. The funny part, it was MY ideal to come here. LOL

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The black dog is mean.
He is so ready to jump over the fence.
I always believe that big dogs need BIGGER fence!
it is a small white fence.
They need a bigger fence. One of these days, the dogs will jump over the fence & attack someone. Feeling unsafe.
They need a bigger fence. One of these days, the dogs will jump over the fence & attack someone. Feeling unsafe.
I'm as real as they come on the web. I'm a open book. Some things aren't what it seems when it comes to me.
Why stand by YOUR man when they are wrong about something? Let's face the facts. They are DEAD wrong and you know it ain't right!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I hate staying home on a Saturday night. I really hate it. Did I mention I hate it with a freaking passion? Oh, man! I can't wait. I HATE IT
Please send two bolts for my gem mine on treasure isle. Thanx a million.

Friday, August 13, 2010

If someone kills me, please avenge my murderous death. Bring justice to the killer. He can't get away with the meaningless murder. Peace out
I forgot today is Friday the 13th. So far, nothing bad happen. No murder. No drug overdose. No suicide. No straightjacket. No knife stabbing
Life Is A Beach -

They take you down to the shore and promise you fun in the sun . . . .

Then they kick sand in your face . . . .

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I don't think I will get wedding rings. We really don't need rings at all. A marriage license is what matters the most.
What are the steps of getting married? I want to do it right. Gays can be married in California, starting August 18.
It took me 75 digs to find the treasure. It was the last dig too. Damn! I'm the worst Indiana Jones ever! LOL
It took me 75 digs to find the treasure. It was the last dig too. Damn! I'm the worst Indiana Jones ever! LOL

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I don't think i will ever be done with the @facebook games. Seriously, like farmville and farm town. They keep on adding more levels.
Miguel cooked his fabulous tasty meal this evening. He is a better cook than me.
Miguel cooked his fabulous tasty meal this evening. He is a better cook than me.
Miguel is cooking chicken! AGAIN! Dear lord! Pretty soon, I will start laying eggs. That will be a first in history! Just call me "egg man."
We were walking down the street & turned the corner. A puppy scared the hell out of us. He ran up to the fence, barking. We both jumped. LOL

Monday, August 9, 2010

This white trash said all Faggots will die. Really! Did he really say that? He failed to realize that everyone will die someday. I kid u not
So much, I want to move from my seat. The guy next to me have the most disgusting breath ever. As long he don't kiss me with smokers breath!
I'm getting good at angry birds. It's all about the aiming & time. If the time is way off, the aiming won't make the target of the piggies.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Damn! Lynn is at it again! I really hate her w/ a fucking passion. She is the worst stepmom ever! Why can't she stop being so damn hateful?
Miguel made too much for my plate. I throw it back in his face. He's mad w/ me. WTF! He knows better! Don't feed this piggy! Oink! Oink!
I started to watch legend of the seeker 3 weeks ago. I enjoy this show. Today, I learned the show is NOT returning next year. That sucks!
It's the same washing machine that broke down before. They need to buy a new washing machine. Now, we need to wash one load at a time.
The washing machine broke down. I put a note on the washing machine. I left a letter for the apartment manager.
The washing machine broke down. I put a note on the washing machine. I left a letter for the apartment manager.
The damn stray pussy is using the restroom by my apartment. I have never feed a pussy, not even a cock. They can get cock somewhere else!
Washing the laundry. Really, miguel is helping me.
One thing about acting & cheating for couples.
When there's NO cameras, they're cheating!
Not counting porn!
Besides, porn is NOT acting.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

This is my new desk lamp from target. Love it!
This is my new desk lamp from target. Love it!
Miguel checked the target receipt again. He realized they charged the same item twice. He's going back to target. They will give money back
Del Taco is closed on Santa Monica & Highland. What a surprise! Del Taco have been around forever. I can't believe it closed down.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Tonight's news. Surfboard with headlights! Say what? Are they fucking kidding me? That's NOT news! Gimmie a damn break! I want REAL news!
Chicken, pasta and salad. Very tasty indeed!
Chicken, pasta and salad. Very tasty indeed!
Pete stopped by for the crutches. He tried them out. He won't use the crutches. It won't support his left foot. He will get a cane instead.
We saw something very disgusting. Someone was peeing at the bus stop in broad daylight. I almost throw up.
This sucks. Farmville on iPhone is giving me problems.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I'm so damn angry at angry birds that i want to kill them with my extremely dangerous saturday night special where they can't escape from me
I need to start all over again. I waited too long to pass the security check on facebook. I can skip TWO questions
I need to start all over again. I waited too long to pass the security check on facebook. I can skip TWO questions
Please confirm your identity. How can I name a person when someone is NOT in a pic? Very impossible!
Please confirm your identity. How can I name a person when someone is NOT in a pic? Very impossible!
Facebook account is suspension. To verify the account, name the people in pics to confirm my identify. That's impossible; lots of friends
Enjoying angry birds on the iPhone. I learned something. I didn't know the blue bird split in three. The yellow bird go faster. Great game!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

This is the LOVE of miguel's life.  The one and only piggy.  Oink! Oink!  He always go hog wild with piggy!
This is the LOVE of miguel's life.
The one and only piggy.
Oink! Oink!
He always go hog wild with piggy!
Life is pretty boring when there is nothing to write about.
I try to make my posts very interesting w/ some kind of humor thrown in the mix
Finally! Miguel turned on the gas! Finally! For the steaks! Finally! In the broil. Finally! Patiently waiting as long it takes. Finally! LOL
Does anyone know how to turn AIM name into AOL account? I tried my AIM name for AOL, but it was already taken. (name is taken by me on AIM)
Sometimes, life is too damn frustrating. I want to walk away from it all. I don't want to deal w/ it any more. Please take me away like now!
Installing the d-link wifi router!
The Internet is up and running on the computer. The next step is fix the wifi. I have the d-link for the wifi. I must hook it up to DSL.
The AT&T DSL backup disk will not work on the new computer! Damn! Now, it's working. Sometimes, I don't know what I'm doing! Please help me!
I was trying to fix the wifi connection. Somehow, I lost the AT&T DSL. I don't know how I did it. I need to start all over again.
Downloading AOL on the computer. Yes, I know! It's shocking. No one hardly use AOL that much any more. I haven't use AOL in a long time.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A very old lady was driving a car, smoking a fag, talking on the phone and drinking a beer. Dear lord! She isn't all the innocence or sweet!
Thomas Beatie, known the world over as the 'Pregnant Man,' gave birth to third biological child.

Doctor is taking the stitches out. No pain, no gain.
I just got here. Racing to the doctor tired me out. At least, we have some water and candy!
I just got here. Racing to the doctor tired me out. At least, we have some water and candy!
I called the doctor. I explained we're running late. We took a wrong turn & ended up in the traffic. We thought it was a shortcut. Oops!
Five more minutes till the doctor. We are NOT even close. Probably, 15 more minutes. We can blame the traffic for being late. Traffic sucks
On the way to the doctors. I bet I will make it on time. Peter is a pretty fast driver. If I'm late, that's okay. We are on the way now!
It's 2 PM. For sure, I'm going to be late for the doctors. I should have take the bus to the doc couple hours ago. Appointment is 2:30 PM.
I'm gonna be late for the doctors. I assumed Peter is running late. There's no sign of him yet. I'm all ready to go. Now, the waiting game!
Waiting for old friend, Peter, to pick me up for the doctors. Doctor is going to remove my stitches from the right foot. I can't wait!

Monday, August 2, 2010

A neighbor have finally ask about my foot. It's the first time too. Seriously! I mostly stay in the apartment. Miguel did everything for me!
Great news - AT&T sent me $500 refund check. I didn't cancel my iPhone within a year. I still have another year. Next year, iPhone 5. Yeah!
Mouthwash alert! Mouthwash alert! If u don't know what mean, I'm not telling u a damn thing, except my mouth is tasty enough to kiss all day
What is a great anti virus protection for the computer? My norton protection is ending soon. I want to get the best anti virus protection.
What's so damn special about Lindsay Lohan and other celebrities?

Regular people will serve all THEIR time in jail, then go to rebab!

Celebrities get breaks, unlike us.
The apartment manager was not in the office. He starts at 10 am. I slipped the rent under the door. He can give me the receipt later.
Putting on the boot. Walk w/ crutches. I must pay the rent today. Hopefully, the apartment manager is there right now. Then, watch the view
OMG! Pebbles want to get fruity with me! That's plain gross! She need to get her facts straight. I'm NOT a lesbian!
OMG! Pebbles want to get fruity with me! That's plain gross! She need to get her facts straight. I'm NOT a lesbian!
Lindsay Lohan went to rehab because she didn't want to be in jail. That's a cop out! She need to serve time in jail. Celebrities get breaks!
I had the worst sex in my dreams last night. It's that bad. The only good part of the dream is Bo Brady, but he was looking for Hope! LOL

Sunday, August 1, 2010

I was adding friends for treasure isle neighbors. I think I had about 7 friends. Somehow, I accidentally push backspace. I must start again
Miguel is washing clothes for me. That's very strange. He have never wash clothes before. Wait a minute. I'm on crutches. That's why! LOL
More neighbors!

Yoville, farmville, farm town, frontierville, social city, cafe world, treasure isle, treasure madness.

Please add me!
Miguel is washing clothes. That's very strange. He have never wash clothes before. Wait a minute! I'm on crutches. Everything makes sense!
More neighbors!

Yoville, farmville, farm town, frontierville, social city, cafe world, treasure isle, treasure madness.

Please add me!
Badly beaten egg. Please take him out of his misery. He's done for! He can't go on being scramble by the like of me
Badly beaten egg.
Please take him out of his misery.
He's done for!
He can't go on being scramble by the like of me
When someone is in a wheelchair or crutches, people are very nice. They know u are helpless, but that won't stop us from achieving our goals
I don't care about boycotting Target.

What people do with their OWN personal time is THEIR business, not ours or Target itself.
no matter how wrong some people are, it is THEIR choice to give their money to whomever they want to. So be it! I will still shop at Target!
http://ping.fm/2EMah insightful video about Target store. BOYCOTT Target! Whatever u do, do NOT shop at Target!
playing farmville on the iphone AND sending out farmville neighbor requests on the computer. oh, man! my work is never ever done! LOL
OMG! We are already in august! This year and every year before, our years is flying by quickly. We need to use our time very wisely.