Saturday, July 31, 2010

Wishes do come true! Miguel want to use a flashlight to read a book at night. Wasting battery! No way! He will use my desk lamp instead! LOL
Having popcorn during the first season of 21 jump street. Great memories!
I'm finally home. Today have been a completely workout with one crotch. I'm pretty tired. I turned on the AC to cool off. I'm that damn hot!
Bus driver is demanding everyone to use the rear exit. One lady didn't thou. She had a good excuse. Her bike is in the front of the bus. LOL
Eating pepperoni pizza from pizza hut at target.   Miguel is eating a hot dog.   We are drinking dr pepper.
Eating pepperoni pizza from pizza hut at target.

Miguel is eating a hot dog.

We are drinking dr pepper.
Miguel went to the post office as i wait at the bus stop with my hurt cripple right foot. I'm so helpless that someone can rob my crutch!
Somehow, our names got on the waiting list to talk with a bank worker. We didn't sign up for a waiting list. We need some money orders.
Never walk w/ one crutch. It's very tiresome. It feels like a right leg is gonna to give up. Then, I will fall down & bust my head open! LOL
Miguel must be heading to the library to return a book cd. There supposed to be 14 CDs, but it was only 13. The library made a mistake! Oops
Damn! I can't believe that they are forcing me to work on the farm WITH a bad crippled foot! Damn them to hell!!
Damn! I can't believe that they are forcing me to work on the farm WITH a bad crippled foot! Damn them to hell!!

Friday, July 30, 2010

The TV is off. There is nothing to watch. Sadly, my British comedies is NOT on KOCE tonight. I really need my British fix! Pronto!
It's getting way too damn cold at my waterloo apartment. It have been on since this morning. I normally leave the door open with the fan on!
I was so tempted that I should NOT do what I just did. But I have no regrets for what I did. It looks pretty awesome!
This is what I got from farmville.
This is what I got from farmville. "Saving your farm, please don't close your browser." It froze! What a crock!
Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good night. Or whatever time zone u are in. Make it awesome! Enjoy it while it lasts. Goodbye

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Miguel thought I'm talking to someone else. I looked around the room. There is nobody else. Only Miguel & me. Maybe, he's think it's a ghost
I saw another extremely boring movie! The best part of the movie is the end!
Life is pretty boring when u have nobody to share it with. I need to go out and meet new friends. I can't go anywhere yet. What boring fun!
I need one harness for my horse stable on farmville. Thanx. I need one harness for my horse stable on farmville. Thanx.
Kevin sent me an email to make sure my email still works. I mentioned I have a new email. I know Kevin for a long time since my Dallas days!
Good night! Sweet dreams. Good day! Have a awesome day.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sex is like a bridge game; if you don't have a good partner, you better have a good hand.
Getting tired of lost connection of frontierville! Zynga really need to fix the damn problem! It happen over five times within an hour.
I want neighbors.

Yoville, farmville, country life, farm town, treasure isle, treasure madness, cafe world, frontierville, restaurant city.
is cle'a] he'r ke]yb29oa;rd

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I will stab u with a pen!
Says...Remember no matter how bad it gets someone has it worse!
I'm watching the most boring cartoon ever! Since I don't have the controls to change the channel, I will turn it off w/ the controls!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Good night. Sweet dreams. Have a great tomorrow/today. Peace out
I hoped u have more than one facebook account. Your extra guys can send u stuff for the games on facebook. Just saying. It's great help!
Shower time with a plastic bag on the surgery right foot. I hoped I don't fall down. Wish me luck!
Shower time with a plastic bag on the surgery right foot. I hoped I don't fall down. Wish me luck!
Miguel is getting too old. He can't hear a thing on the headphones. He is the old man now. Seriously, the volume was turned down. LOL
Please send five harness for my horse stable on farmville. I need them to expand my stable. Thanx a million!
Good morning! How is everyone whatever time zone u are in??

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Damn! Someone hacked into my facebook account. The comments is for free iPad event and free best buy gift card!
Even when we tell the truth, some people are blind to the truth. They doesn't want to see the truth, nothing but the truth. Please wake up!
Yes, I'm watching videos on @YouTube. There is hardly nothing to watch on tv on the weekends. I may later watch @hulu. Life is pretty great!
Thanx to farmville, I'm tempted to be a smoker again. Damn u, farmville, damn u! I stopped long time ago. The bees are forcing me to smoke

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I gave up on the gift requests on facebook. I'm still at 100 gifts. It won't get any lower than 100. I'm going to sleep. Good night!
I'm getting farmville neighbors requests I didn't know I have. I sure hoped the requests are still good. we always need more neighbors.
I decided to delete all 100 farmville gifts, except the honeybees. I'm halfway done w/ the beehive. I think i have 102 bees. Send more BEES!
Couple hours later, I'm back at 100 farmville gifts on facebook! Damn! i'm getting tire of the gifts. I have been at it all day long.
I don't like that we don't have unlimited fruits on treasure madness. Now, we need to buy a bigger bag for the fruits. That majorly sucks!
100 farmville gifts requests. I got rid AND accepted lots of gifts over two hours ago. It seems like it will never end!
100 farmville gifts requests. I got rid AND accepted lots of gifts over two hours ago. It seems like it will never end!
Two hours later, I'm still on gift request page. when I get rid one set of gifts, the other set grows. once again, i'm doing farmville gifts
accepting ONE gift at a time is very boring tiresome on facebook. they need "click all" for all the gifts on the request page. okay? okay!
backing up iphone. Sync in progress. i hoped, this time, the backup will work. Gonna to wait for an hour, then check on the backup process.
the going around circle is gone. the apple appeared. once again, the iphone is in working order. now, i will do the backup again!
I disconnet the iphone from the laptop.
I turned off the iphone.
iphone will NOT turn itself off.
the going around circle is on the screen.
For the longest time, since this morning, it have NOT move an inch. It seems like the iphone backup froze on me
For the longest time, since this morning, it have NOT move an inch. It seems like the iphone backup froze on me
does anyone know how long it take to backup an iphone. I started 11 pm last night and it's now 2:11 pm. It's taking a long time for backup
Never ever give an alcoholic a loaded gun. Trust me on that. Sadly, that's what I did. Sometimes, I'm the most stupid person alive on earth!
rearranging a farm takes forever and forever! i think it will take me one hour or two. i want to put all the stuff in the top right corner.
good night. sweet dreams

Friday, July 23, 2010

I got too damn busy with twitter that I forget treasure isle on facebook. Oh well! Going to the end on twitter, then play the awesome game
I saw the foot doctor today.
Everything is great.
I have no infections.
The surgery was last tuesday, July 20.
A mass was removed.
About to reveal my surgery foot. The doc took off the purple wrapper. So far, so good.
About to reveal my surgery foot. The doc took off the purple wrapper. So far, so good.
On the way to the doctors with Peter & Miguel. Miguel took his sweet ass time; he was doing his hair for the upteemth time. Dear Lord!
Sitting in bed with my laptop. Waiting for Peter to take me to the doc about noon. Doc is 1 pm. I think doc will be please w/ the results
Missing person - I can't find my wife anywhere. She is missing for a while. Son is worry. If u locate her, please let me know. Frontierville

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Good night. Sweet dreams
I want to be a gravedigger. I would love to rob the graves and place the bodies at the indian burial ground. My demonic flesh will rise
Keep on crooning
This is my surgery foot. Tomorrow, a follow up with the foot doctor at 1 pm. Oh, yeah! Purple is my favorite color
This is my surgery foot. Tomorrow, a follow up with the foot doctor at 1 pm. Oh, yeah! Purple is my favorite color
I hardly accept the mystery gifts on the facebook games. There are too many of them. All zynga games have them. I don't have time to accept
Once again, it looks like Miguel has a little bit much to drink. He came from the restroom. I smelt mouthwash from him; dead giveaway! LOL
Miguel picked up the mail at the post office in west hollywood. He said we have some mail. He will be home shortly. I bet I have junk mail!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Miguel is a long time friend. I know him since 1999. We have too much history. We have been to hell & back so many times. Sadly, it's toxic!
Miguel threatened to leave. Sadly, like the stupid fool I am, I begged him to stay. I should have let him leave. I don't need him at all.
Miguel throw cold water on me for not drinking a full cup of water for the meds. It said take it with food too. I waited to eat supper.
I think Miguel discovered my gun by accident. He got a pillow from the closet; gun was under the same pillow. He doesn't know I have it.
So far, I have not been in too much pain since the foot surgery last night.
All day long, I'm resting in bed and entertain myself online.
I have crutches and I'm NOT afraid to use them. U better watch out or else! LOL
Miguel think I don't need the boot. I explained I need the boot to walk w/ the crutches. The boot is for support of the hurt right foot

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The surgery was a big success. I didn't felt a thing. On the way to get medication at walgreens. Then, get something to eat.
Here goes that all American weho boy, getting plastic surgery here in Beverly Hills.
Here goes that all American weho boy, getting plastic surgery here in Beverly Hills.
This is my torture from the hoodlums friends I hang out with. Those bastards! I'm dying with no food!
This is my torture from the hoodlums friends I hang out with. Those bastards! I'm dying with no food!
Eating at El Pollo Loco. Sadly, not me. I need to starve to death. Dear lord! They are torturing me with their food. How could they? Help me
I think we may be a little late for the surgery. At least, we are close by la peer surgery center.
Pete & Brian picked miguel & me up for the surgery. I will take them out to eat before the surgery at 5. I need to be there one hour earlier
Doctor changed the surgery time again to 5 pm. The original time was 4 pm. Yesterday, it's 4:30 pm. Why can't they stick to one time!
I wish time is faster today. I have few more hours to go. Waiting around, time is very slow. Hurry up, time! I want to be done with surgery
Today is the big day. I can't eat/drink anything. Really, before midnight. This is my first time to have crutches & stitches. Please PRAY!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Miguel moved 2 LA for rehab. Sadly, he didn't stay long. Why? He didn't like the people. It was too straight. He did NOT give rehab a chance
Miguel is mad at me for not folding his pants the right way. It's too winkled! Hello! He can always iron the winkle pants. LOL
I'm all done with the colors! Who want to fold the clothes? Don't expect to get pay. I'm poor white trash! LOL
I'm all done with the colors! Who want to fold the clothes? Don't expect to get pay. I'm poor white trash! LOL
main facebook games I play are farmville, frontierville, farm town, treasure isle, treasure madness, country life & yoville. What about u??
It's a good thing that I'm washing clothes now. I have three loads to do. can't wait any longer. Tomorrow is the big day.
I checked the mail. I heard Miguel yelled about something. I ran downstairs. There was milk everywhere. He accidentally dropped the milk
We're waiting at DMV for miguel's new ID card. I just realize I didn't charge my iPhone last night. Soon, iPhone will be dead within an hour

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Miguel was drawling me on paper. I mentioned do not make me ugly! LOL. I never knew he can draw.
Miguel was drawling me on paper. I mentioned do not make me ugly! LOL. I never knew he can draw.
When i was using the restroom, Miguel scared the living daylights out of me. I didn't know he was behind me. He was quite as a mouse!
Question - if we remove a game on facebook. Can we still accept the gift requests??

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Bed time. I'm getting sleepy. Good night. Sweet dreams or worst nightmares. Take your pick. LOL
Good news. Miguel got his student bus ID card. Now, I won't pay $75 each month. Miguel is extremely happy; he jumped for joy!
I can make myself to throw up very easy. It ain't a pretty sight either. I could look at some nasty food, I will throw up immediately!
I haven't watch soaps in a long time. I have my own soap going on with Miguel. That's a reality soap right there. Just put us on TV. LOL
Pork chops and broccoli for lunch. It's quite delicious!
Pork chops and broccoli for lunch. It's quite delicious!
Miguel is missing the shrek movie. He claimed it's my fault! My bad! LOL. Hello! We are cooking some lunch. Pork chops and broccoli.
Miguel's priorities are messed up. He said he want to look for a job. Bad ideal. He need help first, not a stupid job! Some alcoholic he is!
Valuable advice - never talk to a drunk. They will keep on repeating themselves. In other words, they're a broken record. Let's scratch them
"let's look for the bag," Miguel said. "nooooo," I screamed out loud. "I'm sorry," Miguel said. "you are not sorry," I said angry.
love the old guy on six flags commercials, "more flags, more fun." when i get old like him, my new saying will be "more fags, more fun." LOL
Miguel brought up his lost bag again. He want me to look in the laundry. No thanx. It's long gone by now. Everything in the bag went bye bye
The apartment is an hot oven. I turned on the ac. It will do us some good.
Miguel is going to miss class again. He have class this morning. He's still the same. He's not back to normal as one should be.
I woke up so many times throughout the night. U can believe how tired i am. I might as well stay in bed and watch movies all day.
I don't know how the rehab counselors does it. I can't keep track of one. I bet they put them under lock & key. Maybe, I should do that!
Miguel is sleeping in my bed. You know what that means! I need my beauty sleep on the white couch.
Miguel is sleeping in my bed. You know what that means! I need my beauty sleep on the white couch.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Miguel grabbed the jello from the icebox. I got it from him. The jello isn't ready yet. I should have make it earlier. I gave him yogurt.
Some people complain about my depressing tweets. My point is I need to talk about Miguel. I can't keep it inside of me. It's heartbreaking
Aunt is having supper for the nephew's snobby girlfriend and her parents.
Miguel want the ac on. I turned it off about 25 minutes ago. I mentioned we can use the fan. He turned it on. He is still out of it.
Miguel want to look for his bag down the street. No thanx! He lost the bag two days ago. It's long gone by now. There's no sense of looking
miguel realized he missed class last night. he was in bad shape. the teacher will have send him home. it's a good thing he stayed home.
Enough about Miguel for the time being. What's happening in YOUR world today? Anything exciting? I want all the juicy scandalous details!
God came through for me. I pray 4 a sign. I heard a loud noise. I figured Miguel fall down again. He fixed the curtain & took a shower.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I just stopped Miguel from taking his medication. He already drank too much alcohol. The medication and alcohol does NOT mix!
Miguel is crying. It's breaking my heart.
Miguel is really out of it. I think he have alcohol poisoning again. He doesn't have any color in his face. He refuses to go to hospital
I checked my mail. Nothing. It feels so nice outside. I didn't want to go back into the apartment. It's a very hot oven. Don't cook me
Anything good happen on big brother last night? Any juicy details? I missed it last night. The first eviction is tonight on CBS
It's 3 pm. Miguel is still NOT sober. He's far from it. How long will he last? He must have a secret stash somewhere! I must look for it.
I'm taking a break from some games on facebook. I don't have time for fishville & cafe world. I already playing too many games on facebook.
Enough about Miguel for the time being. What's happening in YOUR world today? Anything exciting? I want all the juicy scandalous details!
If I don't watch Miguel, he will seriously hurt himself. He already have a big bruise on his back. He got it from falling into the bathtub.
I remembered I got a txt from farmville on the iPhone. My crops are ready. I may wait till things settles down with Miguel. Watch him 24/7.
Miguel fall off the couch. I wished he will stay put. Whenever I try to take a nap, he keep on falling down somewhere. I need a nap soon.
damn! miguel fell down onto the kitchen floor. he keep on hurting himself again and again. we really need @drphil on the case.
Miguel fall down in the same spot in the restroom. Somehow, he lean back into the bathtub.
Miguel fall down in the same spot in the restroom. Somehow, he lean back into the bathtub.
Miguel fall down in the same spot in the restroom. Somehow, he lean back into the bathtub. This is the worst I ever seen him in a long time.
I heard a loud noise in the restroom. I better check it out. I bet Miguel fall down again.
Miguel is giving a heartbreaking confession. (Video is coming up.) Frankly, I'm extremely bored with it. We had the talk many times before.
Now, he think he might have left it on the bus. Sadly, he doesn't want to face the reality of things.
School doesn't have his stuff. No surprise there! I knew it. He must have lost his stuff when he passed out for a couple of hours yesterday
Thank God! We are on the bus. Miguel think the bag is at school which I doubt. I believed he skipped class last night. He drink all day long
I had one hour sleep. We are walking down sunset blvd, looking for the bag. On top of that, his glasses are missing too. The life of a drunk
Miguel realizes his bag is missing. He want to look for it right now. Hell, no! The bag is long gone by now. It have been a few hours now.
One thing before I sleep! Never again! I will never go out in the creepiest middle of the damn night to look for something outside! Never!!!
One thing before I sleep! Never again! I will never go out in the creepiest middle of the damn night to look for something outside! Never!!!
I tried to trace the cell phone to silverlake by 7/11. I called many times. I bet they turned the phone off. Oh, man! I did lots of walking!
I tried to trace the cell phone to silverlake by 7/11. I called many times. I bet they turned the phone off. Oh, man! I did lots of walking!
Home now. I couldn't find the bag & cell phone. Someone will be lucky; I added $100 to the prepaid phone last week. I have 1500 minutes.
Miguel is here now. He lost his bag somewhere. He was passed out. He have dirt on his clothes. Taking a short walk; looking for his lost bag
I gave Miguel 25 extra minutes. No Miguel yet. I can't keep my eyes open much longer. Very sleepy. Good night from hollyweird! Sweet dreams!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Miguel haven't show up yet. If he doesn't get here by midnight, I will shut the door and go to bed. He has 20 more minutes! Clock is ticking
This is my supper tonight. Cheetos. Some awesome wannabe cook I am! LOL
This is my supper tonight. Cheetos. Some awesome wannabe cook I am! LOL
It's 9 pm. I haven't eat supper yet. The stress will kill me sooner or later. I wished Miguel didn't move back to Los Angeles. Damn him!
Finally! It's about time i got the damn queen. Now, I'm going to put her to work! She better produce tasty sweet honey or else!
I just saw friend's tweet. She posted the queen bee on her facebook page. Sadly, I was too damn late. She got the queen from the sunflower
Miguel called me. He sounded drunk as a mother fucker. I haven't hear from him all day. Seriously, I need to lock him up in the basement!
Stupid question - sun flower is a flower, right? Yet, the queen is NOT there. The search continues to kill the queen! Die, queen, die!
You've been given 25 facebook credits to use with many of your favourite games.
You've been given 25 facebook credits to use with many of your favourite games.
Damn! It's taking forever to look for the queen. All the trouble I'm going through, I want to kill the queen for all the honey in the world!
Done with the beehive on farmville. Now, I need to look for the all mighty queen bee on the friend's farms. It took someone 50 farms!
Miguel just left. He want to fill out some job applications. His priorities are messed up. Seriously, he really need help big time.
I'm going through a difficult time in my life right now. Miguel is making things worst with his drinking. I may have postpone the surgery.
He is pestering me. He won't leave me alone. I told him "stop!" so many times. I'm so ready for a beat down. It's time to end it. No more!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Miguel is home. He kissed me. I'm not talking to him. He already know I'm at him. The webcam is on right now! Scandalous videos! He is naked
11pm, Miguel isn't home yet. That means one thing that I know it's the absolutely true about him. Sadly, he's drinking up a storm!
Miguel supposed to be home by now. He's running late. He haven't call yet. The time is 9:57 pm. I bet he's up to no good. That really sucks!
Facebook is keep on crashing on the iPhone. I think I'm going to cry. Wah! Wah! It's breaking my teeny weenie heart. I can't go on like this
Big news from city hall on cafe world. We can decorate our buildings on the outside!
Big news from city hall on cafe world. We can decorate our buildings on the outside!
Miguel almost forget his phone. He just left for class. As for me, accepting gifts on facebook. Yes, I'm a greedy bastard! So greedy it hurt
I'm on the slowest AND the hottest bus ever! So badly, I want to get off the damn hot bus now! I need to drink aqua! The bus is that hot!
Going home now. I got new crutches and a boot. I must bring them with me next Tuesday. I need to learn how to use the crutches. Fun times!
A lady went ahead of me. She need to take the kids to school. Also, she need to pay $190 on the first visit. Something about insurance.
I'm still on the slowest bus ever. the bus supposed to go faster. It only stop at the main streets. i won't be late for the doctors at ten
The surgery is July 20, 2010 at 3 pm.
This is my first surgery.
I'm not worry thou.
It's my right foot.
Going to the doctors for a second day in a row. I never knew i am extremely sick. There must be something seriously with me. Lord help me
I hate waking so early in the morning. I woke up about 30 minutes ago. The time is 3:10 am. I need to wake up at 6 am. I gonna be tired!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Who is having trouble building the beehive on farmville? It kept on telling me that I don't have one and must buy one!
Miguel missed class tonight. Hmm, I wondered why. Oh, yeah! Now, I remembered. Miguel was passed out from being drunk. Some friend I have!
Please don't buzz off. Help me instead! Maxx Yixen for facebook games. Send a friend invite!
Please don't buzz off. Help me instead! Maxx Yixen for facebook games. Send a friend invite!
I think I get another horse stable. My first one is full. I have two of everything else. Why not another stable? Farmville is the bomb!
Probably, not taking a nap. If I take a nap! I won't be able to sleep at night. It will be extremely hard. I might as well try my best!
Getting sleepy. Time for a nap at 5 pm
Miguel pulled a fast one on me. He got rid of the bottle at the restroom at Lucy. I can't find it in his bag. Miguel is passed out again.
Miguel need to use the restroom, but he wouldn't leave his bag with me. I felt a bottle in his bag on the bus. I know what the bottle is!
As I suspected, Miguel is so fucking wasted. He's acting strangely. Therefore, he is drunk as a skunk. I need to take him home on the bus!
I couldn't talk to Miguel on the iPhone. She was taking my blood from my right arm. I told the nurse,
I couldn't talk to Miguel on the iPhone. She was taking my blood from my right arm. I told the nurse, "I can't!"
I'm on the sixth floor from the doctor's office. It's a nice view to the mountains.
I'm on the sixth floor from the doctor's office. It's a nice view to the mountains.
Waiting to see a doctor. I'm two hours early. The appointment is at 1:30 pm. They called me Friday and said it's 11:30 am.
Goof morning! Let's all be a goof today and goof around! There's no goof like the present. May the goof be with u. Goof or no goof. Goof!
Good night. Sweet dreams. Good morning. Have an awesome day.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Freshly clean from a hot steamy sexual shower. I'm all ready for tomorrow. I got a doctor appointment in the morning.
Beautiful day in hollywood today. Great sunny weather. Glad we went out. We really enjoyed this awesome weather. We got things done today
Morning, everyone

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Miguel is wrong. Dead wrong. Completely wrong. 100% wrong. Agreeable wrong. Forsaken wrong. Unforgiven wrong. Clearly wrong. Always wrong.
I almost made a mistake. I had old stamps. 37 cent stamps. The stamps cost 44 cent each. I put the right amount on the letters. All good!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Home sweet home. We are home after a long day of running around. We got everything done. We are pretty tired. We haven't eat all day long.
I renewed my prepaid minutes for another year. I still have over 500. The unused minutes will be added to the new one year. Pretty awesome
What is big brother twitter account? I can't find it on twitter. Last night, I watched it on CBS. I like everyone so far.
Miguel walk fast. I told him to slow down. He walk faster. I yelled at him. I ran up to him. I hit him in the face. He know better than that
Good night

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Having chocolate cake for desert! It's quite good!
Having chocolate cake for desert! It's quite good!
Once we remove a game on facebook, we won't be able to get gift requests. Is that true?
Cafe World sucks! I was building a stove. I finished it with all the parts. Now, I need to BUY the stove with their money! That majorly suck
Miguel wants to die. He's good for nothing

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

OMG! Miguel killed a fly! It's not the only thing he killed. There goes our love again! Some people will never learn from their mistakes.
I took the longest pist ever, but not as long as Tom Hanks! If I ever go on a talent show, I will pist off the million dollars away! LOL
Good night

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Is that a cock on your head??
Who else is having trouble with tweetdeck on the computer? I'm not getting any tweets at all. I'm missing my tweets! Please help me!
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening & good night. Have a great time in whatever time zone u are in. I'm on the west coast time zone!
Good night. Sweet dreams.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Miguel wonder if I will throw him out of my place. He know he's in trouble. I told him we can talk in morning. I don't want to deal w/ it
we always need to laugh about something no matter how bad things get.
I will laugh right beside u!
someone, please make me die laughing!
miguel is nude & drunk. I'm not all that surprise. I had a feeling he will come home drunk. he was gone for a long time. the nightmare again
It's 8:13 PM. I haven't eat supper yet. I might as well eat without my friend. i guessed he is running late somewhere. oh well. I got to eat
Had leftovers food for lunch. It's quite good.
Good morning at 5:40 am. I can't go back to sleep. Sometimes, it's extremely hard to fall asleep. Once I'm wide awake, I'm wide awake! LOL

Sunday, July 4, 2010

I need four nails and one brick for my farmville farm. Please help me!
Who else is having troubles with restaurant city on facebook? It won't load on the computer. 24 hours is up. I will lose my income too.
Hanging around at the bus stop. Yes, I'm that bored. Somebody, please kill me! Even my boredom is bored.
Hanging around at the bus stop. Yes, I'm that bored. Somebody, please kill me! Even my boredom is bored.
Sometimes, sending out neighbor requests on the games on facebook takes forever and ever! I'm still on cafe world requests. LOL
Happy July 4th
Please add me on facebook.

Farm town.
Treasure madness.
Treasure isle.
Country life.
Good morning

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Watching Ugly Betty on hulu plus on the iPhone. Love this show!!