Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Trying to remember a game I used to have on iPhone. So far, I'm having no luck. I want the game back again. I can have more stuff on iPhone
Eating too many candy at the foot doctor as I wait to see the doctor. They have a bowl of candy on the table, within a hand reach from me.
going to the foot doctor soon. the appointment is at 12:30 PM. i would leave about 10:30 AM. hang out somewhere close, then show up.
Freshly clean from a hot steamy sexual shower. I'm all ready for another crazy adventure in hollyweird, the land of the emo freaks!
Good night

Monday, June 28, 2010

All right! The bachelorette is coming on in ten minutes. A guy is busted for already having a girlfriend. Ali is pretty upset!
Farmville on iPhone does not work at all. Damn!
Good night and good morning, everyone. Sweet dreams and have a great day.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Oops! I washed my hands in the wrong restroom. I dried my hands. A lady walked out of the toilet. I saw the sign on the door & fled. LOL
I'm so damn tired. I went to bed very late. I haven't done that in years. I need my beauty sleep. Maybe, a nap in the afternoon. I HATE NAPS

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Brought sim city for the iPhone. I had my doubts about the game on the iPhone. It's easy to play. Awesome game!

Friday, June 25, 2010

This is the one year anniversary of michael jackson's death. I finished the mummy. I checked twitter. I found out about his shocking death.
i stopped the damn backup for the damn iphone. this is so stupid. The backup should have be done couple hours ago. I'm doing the new update
six hours later, i'm still backing up the damn iphone. Huh? It should't take this long! Damn! I might as well stop it. six hours is too long
it IS taking forever to backup the iphone. I started about three hours ago. I'm still waiting to update the iphone. Hurry up! Damn it! NOW!
updating my iphone. I heard we got new stuff for the iphone.
I just got... Count them... I got six bottles of water. Really, six bottles! Did u count them? I know I did! LOL
I just got... Count them... I got six bottles of water. Really, six bottles! Did u count them? I know I did! LOL
For some reason, I'm a day ahead of u! It's really Saturday! Today is Saturday. Please don't confused me. Seriously, it felt like Saturday!
Good morning
Good night

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Using the spare battery for the iPhone for the first time. It's hard to type wih the battery below. Oh well. I can live with it. LOL
iPhone is dying. Help me! Please help me.
Target have new farts. Oops, I mean new carts. LOL
Target have new farts. Oops, I mean new carts. LOL
Playing farmville on iPhone. It's very interesting. Thank god I checked the crops on the iPhone. The crops are ready.
Bus stop

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

We're using a walgreens cart at the market. The save a lot carts are stuck together. It's hard to pull them apart
We're using a walgreens cart at the market. The save a lot carts are stuck together. It's hard to pull them apart
We must come back for the picture again. Miguel forgot to fix his messy hair this morning. We know where the photo booth is. They moved it.
We got on the bus route again. It looks like it happened at the car wash. There are over five firetrucks. Maybe, it will be on the news
Bus took a detour. Some major happened on Santa Monica & Vine. The street is blocked off. The police are there. Probably, a gun shot.
Bus took a detour. Some major happened on Santa Monica & Vine. The street is blocked off. The police are there.
Just left home for the post office. Pretty exciting, isn't it? Oh, my! I have the most boring life known to mankind. Someone need to kill me
Freshly clean from the hot steamy sexual shower. I'm off to do my own thing. First stop, the post office. Right now, waiting for my friend.
good night. sweet dreams. peace out.

Monday, June 21, 2010

ate leftover food for supper tonight.
I need bricks, hammer and hand drills on frontierville for the chicken coup on facebook. Please help me. Thanx!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

This sucks. I have no money for leisure. I can't do anything else. Hopefully, i will get more money tomorrow.
I finally finished the last season of Reba. Great ending to a great comedy! It made me cry! I'm glad I got Reba on DVD. Love Reba so much
Please send hammer, nails, brick, hand drills and paint bucket on frontierville. Pretty please. I need it for the chicken coop. Thanx!
Hmm, I may make some cupcakes tomorrow. Miguel wants some. We brought some mix last week. It was on sale at Vons. Delicious cupcakes! Yummy!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Please send hammer, nails, brick, hand drills and paint bucket on frontierville. Pretty please. I need it for the chicken coop. Thanx!
At the extremely cold market
Got off the bus
Going to the market for some milk. We ran out of milk today.
Riding another cool bus on a extremely hot summer day. I love the cool buses. I'm glad I brought along my coat. Sometimes, I freeze quickly.
Friend wondered what's wrong with the kid. I mentioned the mom is NOT controlling the kid. It's up the parent to keep him under the control.
A kid is screaming too damn loudly on the damn bus. I wished the kid will shut up. The kid can wake up the dead.
I'm so ready to meet Miguel at the bus stop. He haven't call me yet. Maybe, he's still looking for the teacher to sign his paper.
Still waiting for my friend
Freshly clean from a hot steamy sexual shower.

Friday, June 18, 2010

jumping into bed. i'm pretty tired and sleepy. if u don't hear from me tonight, u will know where i am. six feet under. death becomes me.
I will never understand why?
Blonde: I need to return this candy Cashier: What's the problem mam? Blonde: These are W&W's I want M&M's!!!
Mickey Mouse at Disney Soda Fountain & Studio Store.
Mickey Mouse at Disney Soda Fountain & Studio Store.
I need everything for my chicken coop on frontierville. Please send what u got. My homeless chickens need a home to roost. Please help! LOL

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I got to admit that I'm wrong. LA Lakers won tonight. A man always admits he is wrong! LOL. Therefore, i'm wrong. Oops, my mistake.
Who is with me tonight? The LA Lakers are gonna to lose tonight! Hell, yeah! They are going down for the count! lakers
The next time, I will smoke crack
Getting tweetdeck for the desktop
Everything is clear with social security. I will get the new $696 check in three months. I'm no longer suspended either. All right!
Chase explained they don't have the original $696 check. They stamped the copy. I don't think ssi will accept the copy. Problems from ssi.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Good night. Sweet dreams. See u tomorrow morning, afternoon, evening or night, whatever time zone u r in. Take care. Have fun. Peace out!
I'm pretty mad. I have an annual recertification for my section 8 at 1:30 PM on June 16, 2010, Wednesday. They didn't show up. How rude!!
I'm pretty mad. I have an annual recertification for my section 8 at 1:30 PM on June 16, 2010, Wednesday. They didn't show up. How rude!!
I smelt alcohol on his breath. I kissed him to make sure. Yes, I'm right. He went to the bathroom for mouthwash. His breath is clean again.
So much pain

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Good night
Miguel is Taking an online class at my place. I hoped he does great. He have never take a online class before. He must focus big time.
From the 12th floor at the foot doctor in century city.
From the 12th floor at the foot doctor in century city.
Doctor is running late to see the patients. For sure, I'm next in line. I supposed to see him at 10 am. It's now 10:30 am. Waiting & waiting
Waiting to see the foot doctor. I'm extremely bored. There's nothing else to do here. They are playing kick ass music. Love the music.
I got off the bus. Walking to the doctors.
I have my first appointment with a foot doctor in Century City at 10 AM. I think I have a bunion on the right foot. I had it for a while.
I rearranged my whole city on social city on facebook. i think i did a great job with the city so far. it's pretty freaking awesome! LOL

Monday, June 14, 2010

Good night! I will be watching u with my eyes open. You won't be able to stab me with a knife or shoot me with a gun! All eyes will be open!
OMG! Another earthquake. This time, I didn't felt it. LOL
Miguel want me to take another shower. Why? I took one at 6:30 pm. He think I smell like a piggy I am. Seriously, he didn't know I took one

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Frontierville is getting boring now. My land is clear. there's nothing else to do. What else can we do in the boring game?
I turned off the computer. Internet Explorer kept on reloading and reloading and reloading. Yes, I was using facebook at that time.
Good morning. How is everyone this morning, this afternoon, this evening and this night? (or whatever time zone u are in.) LOL

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I need a hammer and a brick for frontierville. Thanx
Close to home
Walking up the street
Turning the corner
Going home
Wrong bus
Almost there
Oh, no
But not far enough
It's closer than u think
Going somewhere
On the bus
At the via stop

Friday, June 11, 2010

i'm getting tire of frontierville so soon. i keep on getting "lost connection" over 10 times tonight. that really sucks. zynga better fix it
i managed to get the internet back into my place. Don't ask me how I did. I did without the AT&T papers. Only God know how I did it. LOL
Still shopping at vons
Can someone please give me instructions to get my wifi connection back at my home again? I can't get wifi back at all. Somehow, I lost wifi
Social Security claim I have $1,300 at Bank of America. Hello! I closed down the account in 2007. Their records is wrong. I have proof now!
waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting
Going to the post office for the mail.
Frontierville friends, I need THREE paint buckets to finish my general store. Please help!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Finally! I'm playing frontierville! I waited all morning long and all afternoon long! Zynga better fix the loading problem!
Finally! I'm playing frontierville! I waited all morning long and all afternoon long! Zynga better fix the loading problem!
You did WHAT with WHO for how many TWINKIES!?
Frontierville won't load for me. The green line just stops. It won't go any further. Gimmie a gun to shoot the game!
Frontierville won't load for me. The green line just stops. It won't go any further. Gimmie a gun to shoot the game!
All morning long, frontierville won't load for me. Gonna to cry now. Hehe
No breakfast yet
WARNING!! sending out farmville neighbors requests. I'm starting on the top of the list. If i miss u, there is ALWAYS tomorrow! LOL

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I made Tina helper tonight. It was awesome
Helping Miguel with his resume online. What fun! Hehe
Oh, man! I have NOT watch my soaps over two weeks now. I really need to catch up. Or someone kill me, then I can return from the dead. LOL
getting hungry. time to eat some breakfast.
I'm enjoying treasure isle more than treasure madness. TM have too many damn changes. treasure isle is my new favourite game on facebook!
I finally turned on the computer. gonna to send the neighbors requests for the games on facebook.
Good morning! How is everyone? I'm still sleepy and tired. Have a great day.
good night. sweet dreams
going to bed soon. still watching auntie mame

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

love auntie mame. great movie!
Misery loves company. Wanna hang out?
getting skype
i ate some peanuts. it was not very good. i don't like the taste.
watching the news
watching America's Got Talent on NBC. Love this show. I watched it since the very beginning. Howie Mandell is awesome! Love Sharon too.
Who else is having trouble with sending neighbors requests for the games on facebook? Farm Town is giving me that problem!
Please add me.

Social city.
Treasure isle.
Farm town.
Cafe world.
Country life.
Treasure madness.
Pepperoni pizza for lunch.
Pepperoni pizza for lunch.
Please add me.

Social city.
Treasure isle.
Farm town.
Cafe world.
Country life.
Treasure madness.
Why do some people hide their jewel trees on treasure isle? Hello! We need the jewels to go far in the game! Please don't hide the trees!
I hate being in pain. It hurts like a mother fucker.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

♥ I had an X-ray today and they found you in my heart. The doctor said if I took you out I would die because I could not live without you :) Give this to everyone you care about and try to collect twelve ♥
Freshly clean from the nice hot sexual steamy shower!
AC is on. Thank goodness for cool air
Relaxing day at home! Very peaceful.
Good morning. Have a great day
Good night. Sweet dreams.
Good night. Sweet dreams.c

Saturday, June 5, 2010

We're still in the bus. I think about 15 minutes to go home. We didn't take the 704. We took bus 4 on Santa Monica to sunset.
Finally! We're going home on the bus. It's about time. We were at the thrift shop over five longest hours of my freaking life. Never again!!
Miguel is taking his sweet ass time. He is looking at all the clothes on the racks. I'm having so much fun. NOT!
Extremely bored at the thift shop. Miguel is having so much fun. Gimme a break. Please! Pretty please!
Extremely bored at the thift shop. Miguel is having so much fun. Gimme a break. Please! Pretty please!
Felt like I cheated the thrift shop. I put a price tag on a coat. It didn't had one. Miguel is looking at the clothes. I'm sitting down.
Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling?
Good night. I'm going back to sleep. It's too damn early for me. I need more beauty sleep.
Good night. I'm going back to sleep. It's too damn early for me. I need more beauty sleep.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Cheese pizza at pizza hut, inside of target on Santa Monica & La Brea in West Hollywood.
Cheese pizza at pizza hut, inside of target on Santa Monica & La Brea in West Hollywood.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Going to bed soon. Getting very sleepy.
I hoped I did the
I hoped I did the "windows backup" the right way on my NEW gateway computer. It said "windows backup has completed successfully."
Cooking tuna helper for supper.
I need a brick, nail and a harness for farmville. Please help me! I will get on my knees and beg!
Good morning