Monday, May 31, 2010

I love my new gateway computer. So far, I have one problem. For some reason, it's differcult to open the DVD drive. I don't know what's up!
This is from target.
This is from target.
Waiting for the bus on la brea and Santa Monica in the very hot sun as I melted away like the scum of the earth I am. I kid u not!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

I ordered a new computer at best buy on the web. i can pick it up at west hollywood. brian may come with me tomorrow, but I want it NOW! LOL
The series finale of 24 is AWESOME! I'm quite impressed with the ending. Yes, I cried at the very end. It's a new beginning for the 24 movie
Catching up on 24 on hulu. I missed the last month. I hardly miss 24. I want to watch the last ever episodes of 24. Love that awesome show!
thinking of getting a new computer at best buy. my old computer doesn't work any more. sadly, it won't turn on any more. any thoughts?
good morning
Good night

Friday, May 28, 2010

I'm still waiting and waiting and waiting.
Sad news. Gary Coleman is dead.
It's on the way. I can't wait. I hoped it will come early. I don't want to wait all day long for it.
Good morning, peeps! How is everyone today? I just woke up. I'm still tired and sleepy.
Good night. Sweet dreams.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Watching a mature show on PBS. Oh, God! What a boring night'
Miguel almost tried to burn down the house. He accidentally put the pasta in the fire, not the pot. What a shame! No home insurance. LOL
Home from the library. I had a nice time. I was mostly on facebook for the games. I planted some crops too. Hopefully, I won't forget them
leaving the library soon. I was here over four hours. friend is here. we are very hungry.
I'm playing the facebook games at the library. Miss those games. I can't play every day, only at the library.
On the way to the bank and the library.
Freshly clean from a hot shower. Eating trix for breakfast. Watching tv
They finally took out the money for the rent. It was NEVER this late before. It's normally takes a week or so. I'm running low on money!
Good morning!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Friend is filling out papers for disabilities. I hoped he get it soon. He is in too much pain; he can't work that much any more. God bless
Peaceful morning
Good morning. How is everyone? Getting hungry. It's time for breakfast. Maybe, trix. Yes, guys. Trix is not only for kids. LOL
Good early morning. How is everyone? Life's wonderful.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

3G on the @iPhone sucks! Most times, it wouldn't work at home. 3G is too damn slow on the iPhone at home. I can't use the web on the iPhone
Waiting, waiting
This sucks! We're trying to get wifi at mcdonald's. Wifi is not working on the laptop. Wifi is supposed to be free at mcdonalds. Fuck this!
I failed miserly fixing the computer. I have no ideal of what I'm doing. It still won't turn on. I really need help. Please help me, someone
Good morning

Monday, May 24, 2010

Nothing but my soon to be awesome life that may never happen in my lifetime, except in my wildest fantasies, where nightmares may come alive
Gonna to eat soon. Soup and chicken legs
Trix for breakfast

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I made a killing tonight. It felt so wonderful. I'm so glad I did it.
I was filling some water at Vons. Every single time, someone walks by. A guy begged for some change. I ignored him. No thanx, homeless guy!
Grocery shopping soon
Eating pasta and a salad
I ate trix for breakfast. I always love that cereal since a kid.
Meet fluffy, my well trained dog. He is such a friendly dog.
Meet fluffy, my well trained dog. He is such a friendly dog.
Good morning. How is everyone? I'm still tired thou.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Still fighting the damn cold. Eating chicken soup.
Getting ready to eat soon
Peaceful weekend so far, despite the damn cold
Love planet of the apes remake. It's too bad they didn't make a sequel.
I'm still fighting the nasty cold this past couple of days. I hoped it will be gone soon. I hate colds. I hardly get them in may.