Sunday, July 24, 2011

I may not use this account that much longer. I want to start over for the Internet. New beginnings. I came across a old friend on Facebook.
Lucy did it. She knocked out John Wayne with a alcohol bottle. Damn! Lucy need to control herself. She is dangerous
John Wayne is on The Lucy Show. Go and get him, Lucy! Ride that cowboy. Hee haw! Whatever u do, do NOT shoot him.
Lucy Ball looks like Bette Davis with Paul Winchell on The Lucy Show. Lucy is a world class dummy! What a dummy! LOL
What a completely surprise! Gomer Pyle showed up on The Lucy Show as her replacement in the army. Shazam!
I'm glad metv is showing The Lucy Show instead of I Love Lucy in Hollywood. metv don't have the rights for I Love Lucy
It have been over a month since I cancelled the web on June 20, 2011, Monday. Time sure does flies. I'm a survivor! LOL
"An artist should have a WIDE RANGE OF EMOTIONS, that is what i love about art" - Sammy

Saturday, July 23, 2011

It's a Shrek movie day at home. Sadly, I don't have the last Shrek movie. I haven't watch it yet. I don't have the Xmas special
I got out of the shower. Yes, I'm freshly clean. Now, u can smell me all day long
I finally turned off the AC at noon. It was on all night and all morning. I'm too cold. The apartment is nicely cold. Love it.
The death of amywinehouse is NOT that shocking. She let drugs took over her life & kill her. Some people never learn.
I'm slowly slipping away from the living. Death is all around me. I don't have the fight to continue on planet earth.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Watching Clue, Based on the world famous board game, Clue. I have play Clue many times that I majorly suck solving the clues on clues!
Watching 3rd Rock From The Sun. Brilliant funny show w/ John Lithgow, Kristen Johnston, French Stewart, Joseph Gordon-Levitt & Jane Curtin
OMG! Perry Mason is grilling The Skipper from Gilligan's Island about Sue Ellen in Dallas. What a crazy TV world we are living in!
OMG! Perry Mason knows Sue Ellen. Wow! I didn't know Perry was in Dallas too. Perry is convinced that Sue Ellen didn't kill his son.
I'm doing nothing today. My body still aches from yesterday, but it was fun in Santa Monica for Harry Potter, the mall & the beach

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Home now! I'm that tired. I'm feeling light headed. I turned on the AC. I'm laying in bed. I'm watching some tv. A nap may be in order soon
I'm so damn hot that I want to throw up. I'm getting sick again. Barfing on the bus seems like a great ideal. All or nothing. LOL
Going home on the 704. I'm very tired. I walked a lot from Santa Monica place to the beach and back again.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Crashing soon. Not in a car thou. I need to make that happen. I get so drunk that I will crash into something. Arrest for drunk driving. LOL
I slept through the night perfectly. I didn't woke up once. That hardly happens. Sadly, I still have the cold. I took another Advil pm

Monday, July 18, 2011

I took some Advil pm for the nasty cold. I hoped it do the trick. I hardly get colds during the summer. I hate colds!
I'm getting another cold. My nose is running away. Someone need to catch it quickly. I need the nose to smell the roses
They are on the way to check the smoke detector. I heard some going off in the other apartments. I wished they hurry up. I hate waiting.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I must make drastic changes in my life soon. I may not afford my apartment. They will increase my rent. Also, they said I ole them money

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The car chase is still going on. @KTLA helicopter is still trailing the car after a short gas stop. it's the guy's third strike. KTLA
Some TV shows on DVD doesn't have PLAY ALL. Everyone Loves Raymond only have one episode at a time. I like play all much better
USA is poor. Some people will realized we are that poor and may attack us. We won't be able to defend ourselves. Why? USA have no money
USA must stop spending money on other countries & take care of their own. I only have Social Security. I may not pay rent next month
USA may give Greece $145 million & stop social security next month. There's no wonder that USA is poor. USA is in debt for a long time.
I haven't had any breakfast yet. I'm getting hungry.
I'm bad w/ numbers. Never trust me w/ money. I would lose it in a flash. I'm glad I didn't become an accountant. I'm that bad! I'm wrong!
We have another @charliesheen on our hands. Jerry Seinfeld is at 87,609 at @SeinTime. That's REAL winning!

Friday, July 15, 2011

I'm glad I didn't have fish tonight. Everyone is dying from the fish. I had chicken! Let them die. It's too late for them. Die! Please die!
I decided I won't pay back the money. I always gave them the right SSI papers for the apartment each year. They made the mistake, not me.
My $94 rent may be increase soon. The rent is 30% of my income. They said I may ole some money, which I can not afford
I hate when people try to add THEIR problems to me. No thanx! I don't want your problems. I have my own problems to deal with.
Reminder 405 will be closed in both directions from I-10 to Hwy 101 from midnight Friday 7/15 to 5am Monday 7/18. Hollywood

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Nite, u all. I need to get up early tomorrow. I need a statement from social security office. The apartment manager need a new one.
What a fun filled day. I went to the post office, saw cars 2 and enjoyed a wonderful meal at the mall. I'm tired. I may take a nap
My ass is so damn fat that it's wide enough for all people can see on google earth. It's bigger than earth. LOL
I couldn't make it home to use the restroom. We got off at Smart & Finale. I will buy some oatmeal & cereal. I felt much better now
I'M MAD. Mike is wasted. I must get rid of him before they come over 2 inspect the apt @ 10. I don't need this right now. alcoholic

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

If I'm acting beyond weird or crazy, I'm NOT myself. Blame my ill conceived mind that going further away from my reality to parts unknown

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

If I was the old magician that @howiemmandel ask "are u married?" I would have say "only to my pussy!" LOL agt
The world's best unknown artist can NOT get a break if his life depends on making it in Hollywood. agt

Monday, July 11, 2011

I lived by 7eleven. I haven't got a free slurpee yet. I really don't need one. I'm already freezing to my untimely death.
Slap! wake up! Slap! clean house! Slap! Cook supper! Slap! Walk the dog! Slap! Wash dishes! Slap! Dirty laundry! Slap! NOW! Right now! Slap!